help me loose weight?

Right i'm sick of moaning about how much weight i've gained and not doing anything about it, weight loss starts today. Is there anyone that can help keep me motivated etc..?


  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Honestly the only person that can motivate you is you.

    That being said, check the Success Stories section for transformations, maybe they can help you motivate yourself?
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    You have to start logging everything you eat. Stop eating when you hit your calorie goal. Educate yourself on what foods keep you full longer. Only you can do this. You made the first step coming here!
  • bebifal
    I stalk the success stories like my life depends on it. It's instant motivation. But at the end of the day you just have to do it, no excuses. There's a ton of support on Mfp!!!! Feel free to add me on as a friend. You can do it :)
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    Motivation starts with number one ... you! There are plenty of success stories here that can help you and LOTS of great advice that can aid in your success but it all comes down to setting your sights on the prize.

    Some things that have helped me are:

    1. Take pictures of yourself. Even if you keep them private, pictures of weight loss are a HUGE motivational tool for me. You don't really see yourself until you're staring at a picture of yourself looking like you don't want to look.

    2. Remove negative influences from your life. Things, people, etc. Anything (or anyone) that can bring you down needs to go. If you're serious about getting healthy, there is nothing worse than an outside force picking at you.

    3. Log everything. I mean everything. Keeping a log of everything you put into your body will keep you honest and dedicated. Seeing those numbers turn red at the end of a day will only add to your motivation to keep them in the green.

    4. Do what feels right for YOU. Although there is a lot of great information here, in the end you want to make sure you feel good doing what you're doing. If someone suggests something that just doesn't feel right, don't take it as scripture; only you and your body know what's working and what's not.

    5. The scale is your best and worst friend. Don't worry about gaining a pound. In the grand scheme of things, your weight will fluctuate as your body gets used to a new lifestyle. Don't let the scale dictate your health. I try to stay away from weighing in more than once a week, but to each their own.

    Congrats on wanting to get healthy! Coming here and poking around is a HUGE step that many never take. Understanding that you're not feeling how you want to feel is a bigger step than you might think. Ask for help, ask for advice, stay focused, and never forget what you're working toward.

    Onward and upward (or DOWNward as it may be)!
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