do you count your coffee in with water for the day?



  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    (1) The amount of caffeine in regular brewed coffee is simply too low to have a significant diuretic effect that will offset the amount of water in the coffee. It might be a good idea to drink a little more water to "offset" the diuretic effect, but a whole extra cup is overkill.

    (2) Overkill with water is not a bad thing. It's hard to drink "too much" water, and if you are drinking water that is mixed with electrolytes (like the potassium found in coffee) it's damned near impossible. So if you choose to drink an extra three glasses of water to make up for a cup of coffee and as a result you are drinking 90 ounces of water a day, go for it. The extra walks to the bathroom are good exercise.

    (3) 8 8oz glasses is an arbitrary number that may or may not apply to you. You can skip the whole argument by checking urine color - pale yellow or clear = you're good.