Decided I like cool weather running!



  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I absolutely love running in the fall. In the summer, if it stays above 90 I have no choice but to deprive myself of deliciously cool sleep (we have no AC) and run at 5AM before it becomes unbearable. In the winter, I'm either slogging though slush filled streets or slip-sliding my way towards a knee injury, and always in the dark.

    In the spring and fall, I can run in that last hour of daylight after work and not risk heat stroke or chilblains. So lovely.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Ran the other morning when it was 45* -- lesson learned, I dressed TOO warm. Tomorrow will be just a tshirt, windbreaker and shorts.
    Heck - 45 I don't even bother with a jacket - shorts and a tank top!!!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Ran the other morning when it was 45* -- lesson learned, I dressed TOO warm. Tomorrow will be just a tshirt, windbreaker and shorts.
    Heck - 45 I don't even bother with a jacket - shorts and a tank top!!!

    I'm still struggling with this one... I just hate being cold. You'd think that I'd learn to not dress so warm by now. I usually start with leggings, tank top, and jacket- by the time I get home the jackets around my waist and I'm about to rip my pants off in the middle of the street.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Ran the other morning when it was 45* -- lesson learned, I dressed TOO warm. Tomorrow will be just a tshirt, windbreaker and shorts.
    Heck - 45 I don't even bother with a jacket - shorts and a tank top!!!

    I'm still struggling with this one... I just hate being cold. You'd think that I'd learn to not dress so warm by now. I usually start with leggings, tank top, and jacket- by the time I get home the jackets around my waist and I'm about to rip my pants off in the middle of the street.

    I doublechecked my app to make sure I wasn't exaggerating, and yes, I did run 5 miles in 45 degree temps a few weeks ago, and I know I wore my usual tank top and running shorts. I warm up really fast - I remember my hands started to feel slightly numb in the first 1/4 mile, but they warmed up really quick after that. I am so looking forward to winter running! I started running (C25K) in January, and enjoyed it.