Why are weekends sooo hard?!



  • crfrance
    Dont give up - and dont blame your husband for not being there. If you are lonely go for a walk or a run. Grab some celery and carrots and fill up on those if you feel the urge to eat. Dont eat too many calories and say that its because your husband isn't there to keep you accountable. Why not greet him at the end of the day with a big smile on your face, and a print out of all the good things you ate and wait to hear him say how proud he is of you. As opposed to him coming home and you being upset with yourself for not staying on track. You can do this. It's just one day at a time. Don't give up on today because yesterday was hard. Make smart choices at every meal, great choices every day, and you'll soon start to see some great results. Best Wishes to you - YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    Hey, I agree, weekends are hard. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the days are much less structured. To balance it out, I always start Sat and Sun mornings with a workout. That way, I still have room if I go over on calories. If I'm really bad on the weekend, then I make myself go back and workout for a second time. Seems to work for me. Good luck and add me if you'd like.

    This is a great way to handle it. :drinker:
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Weekends are hard for me, but for the opposite of your reason. My husband works out of town all week. When he's home on the weekends he's constantly snacking. At first it killed me. I don't give in, but it was a battle every day. It's gotten a lot easier as time has gone by. And like others have said, preplanning! That has worked wonders for me.
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    Weekends are hard for me too.. My husband works out of town and daughter usually goes to her friends...So I am tempted to eat out...Remember, it's not a DIET as you called it, it is lifestyle change!!! Allow yourself one cheat day, maybe like Saturday, then after you do that a while...drop it down to one cheat meal...
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    There's a train of thought that suggests we should "undereat" for 5 days then eat "normally" for the other 2. I try to really watch it during the week then let myself go a little on weekends. If Friday turns into a weekend day, which it often does, then I start back to lower calories on Sunday. Some weekdays are really difficult, too, and I just want to eat eat eat. It's a balancing act, really, but the bottom line is to feed ourselves better foods which will help with cravings in the long run.

    I like this - wish MFP had an option to have lower goals for eating on weekdays
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Weekends were really tough for me in the beginning too - and still can be if there are parties or girl's days involved. As others have pointed out, we have this mentality of the weekend being "off'" days so it's easy to think that applies to our diets as well. But really there's no reason for it. Here's some things that have helped me:

    Plan to eat the same thing you would on a weekday. Planning is a great asset to anyone trying to clean up their diet because you have set meals for the whole week, shop for just the things you need for those meals and only allow one deviation (like you were busy today and you're tired so you're going to get take out instead of making that casserole).

    This one involves some tough love, please take it with the good intentions it's written with... STOP depending on your husband to be your accountablility. It's great that he's supporting you but don't make him be your excuse for failure - that's not fair to him or you. You're doing this for you right? Then put your big girl panties on and do it! If you're doing it for him, trust me, it won't last.

    Log before you eat it if you're not sure it'll fit in your calorie budget.

    Exercise to earn calories.

    Do not keep bad snacks in the house!

    And look, I get lonely and bored are eating triggers, they're my big ones too, and I too have weak moments when Hubs is gone all day. So when you get that feeling like you want to eat your emotions, find something else to do. Come up with a list of possibilities and tape it to the fridge and/or cupboard. Here are some ideas to get you started: go for a walk, run, bike, hike (walk in the mall if raining), read a good book, call a friend, take a bath, do that chore you've been putting off, just go for a drive (as long as you won't be tempted to go to any drive thrus), do some window shopping, take up a craft to keep your hands busy.

    Good luck to you!

    P.S. Come up with other rewards for yourself besides food. Not sure what you're into but buying yourself a movie or book or getting a manicure and/or pedicure would all be nice.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ecause you are relying on other people to act as your self-control instead of your actual self. That is not sustainable long term.

    Reward yourself with exercise playlists, workout clothing and new fun things to try - not FOOD.
  • renamarie77
    renamarie77 Posts: 98 Member
    I think weekends are more difficult because since we were children in grade school, we've been 'conditioned' to look forward to the weekends and just let loose and have fun. Weekends are for carefree play and fun.. is typically how we've learned to view them.. The key is remembering who you're getting fit for-yourself- then you can have the carefree mentality in a fit-wise way :)

    I fully think this is what it is. And the fact that I get bored. I tend to not want to do a lot on my days off so I just sit here and watch tv and relax, and just break it up with food here and there. And for me, this past weekend, I actually went out and did things which included alcohol and food, so yea.. I kinda let loose this weekend. lol

    Pls add me if you'd like.. always lookin' for new friends.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Jmich1229
    The weekends are hard for alot of us. For myself, (and others as I have read) it's the less structured weekend days that tend to throw me off. I make sure I get up in the am and get a few miles in (walk or sloooow jog) just in case I kind of lose it. Working out and exercising tends to keep me from overdoing it. If you go overboard, there is always a new day coming, so don't throw it all away. I'm probably the start over queen, I just never throw in the towel all together. Heck im starting over now, due to some foot and ankle problems, but I just jump back on the bandwagon. I lost 80 lbs between 2007 and 2009, and swore to myself I would never, ever, eeeeevvver gain that back. I've put a few back on, but i'm trying to lose that and continue towards my goal. Get some friends, someone else that will hold you accountable, and get back in the game. DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    There's a train of thought that suggests we should "undereat" for 5 days then eat "normally" for the other 2. I try to really watch it during the week then let myself go a little on weekends. If Friday turns into a weekend day, which it often does, then I start back to lower calories on Sunday. Some weekdays are really difficult, too, and I just want to eat eat eat. It's a balancing act, really, but the bottom line is to feed ourselves better foods which will help with cravings in the long run.

    I like this - wish MFP had an option to have lower goals for eating on weekdays

    You could always use "quick added calories" to add the amount of deficit you want during the week.

    I tend to stay away from my computer on the weekends, so weekends didn't get logged at all. I finally broke down and got a smart phone just so I could have the mfp app and be able to track all the time. It's made a huge difference! I would've gained all my weight back by now if I hadn't done it. That being said, I also pre-log, and that makes a big difference as well.
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Totally the lack of structure like other posters said!

    One of the biggest changes for me was not keeping the junk food in the house, I can't eat the cookies if they're not there! In the last five weeks I have really commited to my health. Really, changing my eating habits was key and once I started diligently logging and working out I was so horrified by the calories and sugar in junk food - and the amount of time I'd have to work out to burn it - I stopped wanting it.

    We socialize alot more on the weekends so I try to look up the places we go to get an idea of the nutritional values/options on the food/drinks and when we go out for dinner or brunch, since it's usually later than I'd be eating during the week, I have a snack on the way so I'm not starving.

    I still log my food though and my weigh in day is Sunday.

    My eating habits and workouts aren't perfect but I'm doing my best and I believe that will get results in time!
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    :happy: Great advice.I will follow it =)
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    this is so true i have a hard time too! but i try to work out I should probably work out more! Kepp on trucking!
  • Khymera
    Start giving yourself rewards that aren't edible. Not only will they not throw you off track, you get to keep them longer!
  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    I don't understand why someone who is trying to lose weight would call eating something they shouldn't a reward.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Snarky much>?
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    NFL Sundays are a huge temptation for me. Snacks, beer, meat, beer, pizza, beer.....and it's on my gym day off, so I pretty much sit in my lazy boy all day with my dogs in my lap.
  • chinoplata
    chinoplata Posts: 12 Member
    Weekends are especially hard for me because my family tends to throw parties that have food for days. I am very consistent when I am busy monday through friday (work, gym, kids, etc). My days off I've got errands that leave me hungry and away from my diet. My best advice for you would have to be to stay consistent most of the week and have a little bit of play on the weekends. I used to binge on the weekends but over time I got better and better. Instead of a "cheat day". I usually have a day in the week were I give myself an "earned meal" were instead of eating junk from morning to night I give myself a couple hours during my cheat/earned meal. Its hard for everyone to forgive themselves after eating junk but in my opinion everyones human. This is coming from a guy who loves cupcakes and donuts.
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    because beer