SAD and Vitamin D

I have been told by my doctor that I suffer from SAD. I am originally from Germany and have suffered every year since I moved to the North of England. Last year we had a particularly bad summer and by February I did not recognise myself. My husband even asked me to go for antidepressants I was so evil. (I did not) and by April I got better, by June I was my old self. These last three weeks it has started again, eating carbs non-stop which I have not wanted during the summer, sweets and consuming tons of caffeine (I actually feel ill from it, I have so much) and refusing exercise. I cannot be bothered attitude. THIS IS NOT ME AND I JUST WANT TO CRY AND SLEEP. Please help, how much Vitamin D can I safely take a day? I have bought a good multivitamin but cannot afford a SAD light till Christmas. I love being outside but get soooo unbelievably cold. I used to be fine in Germany even at minus 20, in England even 5 degrees plus leaves me shaking in my ski wear. I cover up every inch of me except my face. Advice and support would be most welcome. The best light box? I just want to move away but cannot.
Oh and I am dark skinned and have had four children close together (so I can get back to work at some point soon).


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The general recommendation is no more than 2000 mg per day via supplements unless directed by a doctor. Be sure to also cosume some fat when you take it (or near the time you take it) as vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin.
  • sandrahermione
    Thanks, I have been sticking to the 2000 number but keep seeing it banded around at 4000 and upwards and just wondered if it was safe. I have been feeling very down. It is like night and day when the weather changes.
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    Make sure he does blood work to check your levels ever 6 months or so.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thanks, I have been sticking to the 2000 number but keep seeing it banded around at 4000 and upwards and just wondered if it was safe. I have been feeling very down. It is like night and day when the weather changes.

    2000 is a "general" recommendation and what is safe will definitely vary person to person, but too much can be dangerous so I would be reluctant to go much above it without your doctor's approval.
  • sandrahermione
    My doctor is not interested. He said that is what you've got. get a lamp. no more. I feel quite abandoned really.
  • kathangel2012
    kathangel2012 Posts: 8 Member
    I am sure this is very common in England - in Calgary Canada we have so much sun but people still suffer from it in the winter months even though we have sun as many don't like to go out and play in the snow!! So in Canada we now sell lamps especially for this condition. I would google search SAD lamps. I am told that quite a few people do get help from this. Remember that exercise also helps to raise the serotonin in the brain which does help with depression etc. It's not always easy to exercise when feeling low on energy but even 15 minutes a day a couple of times a day can help until you feel you have more energy to do more. Take good care.
  • dizneedana
    dizneedana Posts: 40 Member
    I have been told to take vitamin D3, not plain D. I have tested low for many years even when taking D3 and finally my Dr. Prescribed 50,000 iu-one pill a week for 5 weeks. Just got retested so hopefully it helped. Definitely talk to your doctor. I know what you mean though about SAD! I live in the US and the winters in Iowa were brutal for me! We have now moved to Texas but I know I'll never miss Iowa from October through April/May! Good luck!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    You can also buy just the light bulb for like $15.00 and use it in a regular lamp. I found one at my local food co-cop (health food store). Not sure in England but look! Vit D will help but also don't forget St. John's Wart - very beneficial this time of the year!!