Does weight really shift?

I've been at the same weight for about a month. I lost 25 pounds and now I'm mostly happy with my weight so I've taken a break on the weight loss. I will definitely get back to it later (so I can get to my goal weight), but in the meantime I'm eating right but not really watching my calories. I've only gained about a pound back.

It seems like lately people are telling me that they can see a difference. It was like all of a sudden people are noticing, even though I've stopped losing weight. I see these people daily (work) so I don't know why they would all of a sudden start noticing. The only explanation I can think of is that my weight is shifting and it looks like I'm skinnier than I am. Does weight really shift? Or is that a myth that people tell themselves and others?


  • ellybeann
    ellybeann Posts: 122 Member
    I dont know the answer to this, but I do know that if you stop working out but continue to eat healthy, the number on the scale stays the same but the body appearance changes and changes fast. At least in my case.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I dont know the answer to this, but I do know that if you stop working out but continue to eat healthy, the number on the scale stays the same but the body appearance changes and changes fast. At least in my case.

    And it can change in the other direction if you stop eating at a deficit and continue to work out. I don't do a lot of strength training - never did - but my body is definitely leaner and more compact than it was when I shifted to maintenance a year ago. Also, my skin has tightened up some, including along my jaw line. That can make a noticeable difference even if it's so subtle that the observer can't quite put their finger on what has changed.