Emotional Eating

I just recently got married in July and since november of last year I worked really hard and lost 55lbs while working full time and planning my wedding pretty much by myself. I felt unstoppable at that wait and looked like a princess at my wedding. My husband is gone a lot since he is in the army but soon we will be living together. When we got back from our honeymoon he had to leave shortly after. He's been gone a little over 1 1/2 months and will be back in 3 1/2 weeks. Since being back I have really lost focus and gained about 20lbs back. This along with my husband being gone has really made me feel depressed and problems like this have always driven me to eat for comfort. I have been trying to regain my control over this again but it has been quite the battle. My wt has been going up and down since I have been home. I have my motivation for a little while and then cave in to my cravings. Yesterday was the first day in awhile I ate perfect, which has helped keep me motivated for today. I'm just scared my motivation will be short lived again. All my fat clothes have been boxed up and I really don't want to bring them out ever again. Any tips on staying motivated and dealing with emotional eating?


  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    MKato, the best, absolutely the best book that actually helps emotional eating is "But I deserve This Chocolate" by Susan Albers. The close second is her "How to Soothe Yourself Without Food". They are brilliant and hit on every, absolutely EVERY thought and mood that leads to eating and show practical way to deal with each. And, all of it in a short form! I have the "But I deserve..." with me at all times and read a chapter daily. It explained to me why I have binges and stop caring and things. It is likely available from your library. Check it out, it helped me after 3 years of what I thought successful weight loss.