I think I just need to vent

Good morning everyone.....I hope no one minds, I just need to get this off of my chest and I am not looking for anything in return, just being able to write it down around people who understand, is going to help.
I had my youngest daughter in Sept. 2008 and I was 5 pounds from my goal (115) in May and I have been fluctuating between 120 and 125 ever since then and I just cannot seem to break the 120 mark no matter what! It is so frustrating....I am ok where I am right now, it is just that it drives me crazy because the weight seemed to melt off in the beginning and now I just can't get it to get going again. It doesn't help either that I still have the little baby pouch and that is my biggest target...although I know that you can't target where fat comes off, and of course it is just not coming off there! I feel so guilty complaining about that because my daughters are such a blessing and I would never change that for a second. I just think it is getting to me because I thought at this point, I would be there and I talk to my husband about it and he is just being sweet and always tells me I look fine to not worry about it...so I figured I would let it out here. Thank you for listening, I feel much better!:flowerforyou:


  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Hey!You are so close to your goal! There are so many out there that need to lose 100's of pounds,so be happy and keep going!
    I am totally with you on the after baby effects,it is definitely not easy to focus on that one specific area...I hope that someone listens to me when it is my turn to vent :>
    Good Luck!!!