Finally got my food blog going!

pocketmole Posts: 614 Member

A lot of people here sent me PM's or left comments on my posts saying they would love it if I started a blog to share my recipes. I finally caved in and did it. I'm still trying to find my footing and learn how all of this works, but I'm pretty excited to be sharing my cooking endeavors with people who are interested!

I originally got a lot of feedback from my first forum post showing some of the vegetarian meals I've prepared. I'm more than happy to accept suggestions for recipes to push over to my blog if anyone sees something they like. :)

I have an official facebook page here:

And the actual site is here:

Thanks to everyone for helping motivate me to get this started!


  • Positive_Thinker
    Positive_Thinker Posts: 23 Member
    This IS good news.....:love: Looking forward to delving into your site.

    You know, The Food Network (and the nation) could use you as a great example of how being vegetarian doesn't have to be (just) rice, beans and lettuce ..You should approach 'em...These photos would be a huge selling point....Seriously.

  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    You are too kind :) I do hope to let people see that vegetarian food (on a diet no less) doesn't have to be all salads and frozen garden burgers. Oh and I'm one like short of my first Facebook milestone so that's cool!
  • mss_anthropy
    mss_anthropy Posts: 31 Member
    ermagerd! lol i'm so there....
  • countrygal02012
    countrygal02012 Posts: 124 Member
    Man.... that picture looks soooo tasty! I shouldn't be looking at recipes when hungry. Will check your blog out though....
  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    Thanks, you two! I really appreciate any followers I might get. :)

    I'm trying to get to the point where I can submit recipes to sites like tastespotting, but so far I'm getting nothing but rejections because the quality of my photos isn't high enough. They are pretty specific with their criticisms so I'm going to try and take that information and step it up, hahah.
  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    Love it I've bookmarked it, thank you :)