Glad to be here!

Hey friends! Just found this site and got started on the journey this morning. Decide yesterday that enough was enough and I was tired of being out of shape. I've been in and out of shape over the years but have never stayed in shape. It seems I always slip back into eating crap and not exercising.

My weight now is 210. Looking to drop 30 pounds or so to get back to my weight when I got married. I don't have a gym membership but am planning on doing P90X and I have some 35 pound dumbbells and some resistance bands. I will utilize biking for cardio. Would love to hear from some of ya! Send me a friend request!


  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    I've done P90X several times. Are you in touch with your coach? They should have a thread and be able to assist you with your journey/questions related to P90X.

    I know you'll be able to do it if you Modify. Don't be afraid to press the pause button, rewind and modify the moves. The goal is to move and burn calories. The goal isn't to do the same move as Tony right out of the box.

    I'm currently doing P90X2 and in my 5th week. I love these dvd's!