Does Anyone Else Weigh in the Morning AND at Night?

Just curious if anyone else does this and what sort of fluctuations do you see throughout the day?

When I reach my goal weight, I want to weigh that much at the end of the day (after having pizza, even!!) with my clothes on. So I often weigh at night and log that number instead of the morning one nudey pants which I often do "just for fun" because who doesn't love stepping on the scale?! haha.


  • SMiller074
    SMiller074 Posts: 51 Member
    I only weigh when I have high self-esteem :bigsmile:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    But your weight naturally fluctuates through the day. At the end of the day you'd naturally weigh more unless you didn't eat anything all day. I'd go insane if I tried to keep the numbers equal at all times.
  • honu178
    honu178 Posts: 13 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning and at night, I see about a 3-4lbs fluctuation in weight depending on how much water I intake, if I've used the restroom and if I have eaten any heavy carbs. I say the best time to weigh is anytime as long as you weigh the same time everyday! And why am I always 5lbs heavier at the doctor's office?!
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    weighing at night isnt very usefull
  • shrez
    shrez Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh morning and night and generally weigh 1kg more at night
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    that is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard--so what if you drank a gallon of water that day? what if you ate particularly heavy pizza? or what if your clothes are heavier?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I weight myself all day long. I bought a scale to keep under my desk and I just keep my feet on it all day long so I can see it change as the day goes along. I've considered getting one for me car too so I can keep an eye on it while I drive.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    Sometimes just for fun, I like thinking that I can magically lose 2 lbs just sleeping :)
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    There's no point weighing in at night as well because your definitely going to be heavier in the evening.
  • lyndyb88
    lyndyb88 Posts: 123 Member
    I weigh morning and night...i'm usually around 3 to 5 pounds higher at night
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I weight myself all day long. I bought a scale to keep under my desk and I just keep my feet on it all day long so I can see it change as the day goes along. I've considered getting one for me car too so I can keep an eye on it while I drive.

  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Yes!!! Ugh :grumble: I can't seem to limit myself to once a day because I know weight is up and down all day... I think I do just to get an idea of what I ate that day that might have set me back, but it is not psycologically healthy for me personally to do this for I beat myself up all the time!
  • kellyo15
    I weight morning and night and then take an average over the span of a week to get a real idea of my true "weight" :)
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    I do. Im not embaressed to say that I am kind of obsessed. May be a bad thing. I keep trying to break myself out of the habit - but I like to know what is going on, I guess. So I weight first thing in the morning after I use the bathroom and before I jump into bed. Just out of curiosity. I dont necessarily beat myself up about it - but it gives me something to work on if I am doing poorly....
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I weigh in the morning, I don't think I could handle doing it morning & night seeing as night you usually weigh more. I'd send myself into a mental asylum. It would make me depressed. I try not to weigh myself everyday but sometimes I can't help it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Sometimes just for fun, I like thinking that I can magically lose 2 lbs just sleeping :)

    Same here, but it's usually 3 pounds overnight. Even more if I poop before I weigh myself in the morning.

    If one can keep themselves from wigging out over fluctuations, weighing daily can be a good thing... it helps you understand those fluctuations. If I only weighed once a week, and happened to have had pizza the night before, causing me to retain an extra 2-3 pounds, I'd have been bummed on weigh day. Knowing how my body reacts do different foods and exercise and hormone changes, I don't get bummed.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Sometimes I weigh 3 times a day. I have a chart where I write it all down. I prefer to track general trends. Yes I usually weigh 2 lbs more at the end of the day, but not always. I know if I'm a "surprise" 2 lbs lower at the end of the day, it probably means I'm dehydrated. Or if I weigh the same the next morning as I did the night before then I might need to keep my sodium in check. Sometimes I weigh before and after my runs too to make sure I'm hydrating properly.

    I think a lot of times when I see posts on here that say "I gained 2 lbs!" or whatever, it is probably because someone just happened to have an unnaturally low weight during their weigh-in. I know if I see something just once it's not a genuine trend. I have to see weights repeat before I know I have actually lost real non-water weight.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Weighing yourself in the morning is the most accurate IMO(if someone knows otherwise please feel free to let me know.) That's when you don't have anything in your system(i.e. liquids and solids,) weighing you down. I'll be about 3-5 lbs heavier at night.
  • cherbapp
    I weigh every time I go in my bathroom. LOL I actually tap the scale in the middle of the night so I can see without turning on the light and then am tempted to weigh myself even then.

    I can weigh as much as 5 pounds more after dinner...and always weigh 2-5 pounds less in the morning.

    I have been an obsessive compulsive weigher since last year and I see patterns, so I am never horrified by the number. I know what to expect. And it does keep me on track. Though the scale goes through batteries fairly quickly...LOL

    I only record my morning-before-breakfast-after-bathroom weight.
  • okiesarah
    Oh the scale is the enemy. If I weighed in every day and night I would probably shoot myself. I weigh in at no particular time but I only do it every 2-3 weeks so I can change my weight for calorie counting in case it needs to be adjusted. I go by inches and how I feel.