Weekend Rebel....sort of

I am enjoying eating healthy and am getting in my exercise in the form of walking, but I am a creature of routine. I took over my son`s paper route when he went off to college, so Monday to Saturday I get 1.5 miles in before I head to work. Wonderful motivation to walk. I plan my meals, take my lunches and snacks and even get some walking in during the evening. My big problem is the weekend. Come Friday night it all goes to pieces. I`m too tired to do an evening walk. On the weekend I have no schedule or routine whatsoever and I might eat my breakfast by lunchtime (not that I sleep in, I`m just not hungry). I eat differently, not unhealthy, but definitely less healthy than through the week, and more carbs for whatever reason. I don`t tend to track my food physically, although I keep a note in my head of where to draw the line. I`m not sitting around relaxing by any means, always doing something because it needs to be done. But I just can`t seem to keep motivated like I do through the week.

I`m bound and determined this weekend to keep to my routine, but I know it`s going to be difficult. Does anyone else have this problem. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks :)


  • Ginnyesq
    I think the first step is to track, track track, even if you go over. Maybe plan on giving yourself a day off one day instead of the whole weekend. Eventually maybe you can trim that down to one meal instead of a whole day. It's the smaller changes that tend to stick.
  • AnnMombourquette
    I think the first step is to track, track track, even if you go over. Maybe plan on giving yourself a day off one day instead of the whole weekend. Eventually maybe you can trim that down to one meal instead of a whole day. It's the smaller changes that tend to stick.

    You know I like that idea of the one day off. See on the weekend, especially Sunday, is the one day I get to spend with my significant other and we have a big supper, because he`s on the road so much through the week, or we go out on a date for supper or lunch. But if this weekend I kept to more of a routine on Saturday, even if on Sunday it didn`t work out the way I planned, I wouldn`t feel so guilty and like I was trashing the week. And when we go out to supper, I still tend to eat healthy, no fries or stuff like that, but the calories can still add up. Also, he tends to cook not as healthy as I would, and there lies a lot of the problem as well. He`s doing much better, and definitely trying, but its still an issue. Baby steps for everyone here.