Confused. Please help...



  • Don't get hung up on calorie counting. Low carbs, Low fat, High protein, protein with EVERY meal. Plenty of Veg. Litlle fruit and yogurt, skimmed milk, Plenty of exercise! do it healthily 1 to 2 lb at the MOST a week. I lost 3 stone doing this and have kept it off for 2 yrs. good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member

    A few days ago I found a really helpful post, that finally made sense and now I feel like my calorie intake is way more personalized to me. I don't know how to make it link though, it's in "general diet & weight loss help" titled "in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised"
    It walks you through figuring out your body fat %, your BMR, your TDEE and finally how many calories you ought to be aiming for daily to reach your goal at a reasonable pace without starving yourself.
    There are also some really helpful links in the "general diet & weight loss help" right at the top, for "newbies"
    I second this. I have been doing MFP three weeks and that was the first post I read. I set up my calories based on my BMR and TDEE and have lost 4 lbs in that time.
  • :flowerforyou:
  • Don't get hung up on calorie counting. Try Low carbs, Low fat, High protein, protein with EVERY meal. Plenty of Veg. Litlle fruit and yogurt, skimmed milk, Plenty of exercise! do it healthily 1 to 2 lb at the MOST a week. I lost 3 stone doing this and have kept it off for 2 yrs. good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • :bigsmile:
  • just joind mfp. soz if you've got more than 1 msg. i'm new to tinternet :blushing: :blushing:
  • :ohwell: :embarassed:
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    just joind mfp. soz if you've got more than 1 msg. i'm new to tinternet :blushing: :blushing:

  • 2lb a day is ridiculous! unhealthy! and on the way to an eating disorder if you haven't already got one! weight loss should be about a healthy balance between food and exercise. 1 - 2 lb a week is absoluetly the recommended loss. find a healthy eating plan you can stick to for the rest of your life, combone it with healthy exercise and you WILL lose weight healthily! All you are doing is storing up problems for the future. instant gratification does not sustain long term happiness and satisfaction!:love: OOOps This went to wrong box. sorry tried to delete but no success!
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    I would like to suggest the K I S S methed.

    Keep It Simple Stupid.

    Buy a scale and measuring cups, if you do not already have them.
    Log you calories religiously and ACCURATELY.
    Do NOT get hung up on Macros, micros, carbs, protiens, fats and other stuff just yet.
    Exercise more.
    And stay off the scale. Weigh yourself once a week.

    After you start losing, then get more creative.

    KISS method.. Love it. My high school Spanish teacher used that phrase quite often.
    Thanks. :)

    Oh that brings back horrifying mempories.... TELEPHONO ick...
  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    I would like to suggest the K I S S methed.

    Keep It Simple Stupid.

    Buy a scale and measuring cups, if you do not already have them.
    Log you calories religiously and ACCURATELY.
    Do NOT get hung up on Macros, micros, carbs, protiens, fats and other stuff just yet.
    Exercise more.
    And stay off the scale. Weigh yourself once a week.

    After you start losing, then get more creative.
