

My name is Lindsay and I just started this today. I am starting a weight loss program through my hospital and I am hoping to lose some weight. I need to lose over 100 lbs and I don't want to feel tired all time any more. I am doing this to get healthier and happier. Ive never kept a food diary or exercise diary before, so I am a newbie at this.


  • FitWendi
    FitWendi Posts: 40 Member
    I am new here too. I have about 25 lbs to lose. I just started the middle of last week. I really like the MFP app on my phone. I love it!! It is sooooo much better that some of the other apps I have tried. I just checked out the web site today because I wanted to add some friends to help me with my weight loss. To stick to my diet and excersice. I know we can do it.!!!
  • I'm not technically new to the site, but new to the forums! I decided I can't do this alone, and would love some friends in the same situation. I need to loose around 60 lbs. Hope to get to know you and help you stay motivated!
  • Just joined the site today.....I am sooooo excited. I need to find some buddies on here so we can track our weight loss journey together. Love the tools!