Push through the pain vs day off

Which is better?

I'm doing the 30DS and on level 1 I just did the days consecutively, pushed through the soreness and after a few days it got better and I felt so much better, had higher endurance, etc.

On level 3, I'm thinking if I have to do a single walking plank today I'm going to die! Do I just take a day off? Or will it be worse after taking a day off?

I know muscles need time to recover but it's a pretty basic workout and I'm only doing it with 1kg weights.

What do you guys prefer to do and why?


  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    If your body needs a rest day, take a rest day. If you overtrain you risk injuring yourself.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Have you taken any rest days or just done the whole thing straight through? Rest days are good for ya, both physically and mentally! Don't be afraid to take a day (or two!) off. :smile:
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Have you taken any rest days or just done the whole thing straight through? Rest days are good for ya, both physically and mentally! Don't be afraid to take a day (or two!) off. :smile:

    I've taken 1-2 rest days every week since starting it. I took a rest day only a few days ago but maybe I'll take another today. Would it be worth going for a walk or something so at least I'm getting some light cardio in while I'm giving my muscles a break?
  • MonicaFlachman
    I would usually say push through the pain, but I would also say you need one day off a week. I do not think its healthy to workout 7 days a week with no break.
  • Chopper88
    Always always always listen to your body. If you need a day off TAKE IT. Its a marathon not a sprint.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    take a day
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    Usually it is ok to push through the pain if you are not working the same muscle groups you did the day before.
  • LuckyTerrier
    LuckyTerrier Posts: 73 Member
    take a day off from 30 DS and try to change up your workout a little. Walking or running are good ideas to make sure you are getting some exercise without overusing the same muscles that need to repair. You can also find a lot of workout videos on youtube to give you ideas to mix it up today
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Usually it is ok to push through the pain if you are not working the same muscle groups you did the day before.

    I'm planning to start her body revolution next week and it seems to be a much better format than the shred because the workouts you do consecutively work different muscle groups so you're getting a workout every day and still resting the muscles you used the day before.

    I think this will be better for my body than doing the same thing 10 days in a row.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I agree! Take a rest day!

    I do 45 minutes of cardio 7 days a week. I have a personal trainer that has me doing a lot of Body Weight training twice a week. I do not do any more weight training than that.

    I rest on the weekends (all except for my 45 min cardio)
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Working out is where we break ourselves down. Resting is when we build ourselves back up and become stronger. Resting is just as important as the exercise. That being said you can workout again even with some soreness. For me, working out while a little sore usually gets rid of the soreness and keeps me from getting as sore the next time. I dont like working the same muscles two day in a row though.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    Listen to your body! Don't be afraid to take a day if you are more tired/sore than usual.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member

    here is an example from my own experience of "working thru the pain "

    about 8 years ago, I was still powerlifting.......had a leg day one afternoon and everything felt right on for a good workout. After about 5-10 minutes of warm up on the exercise bike, I go over to the squat rack to continue warming up for a heavy leg day. everything is fine to start- there was just a lil tingle in my left knee-didnt think anything of it as it usually goes away after a good warm up of some light weight squats. first set, just the bar...knee hurts a lil more. raised the wet to 135 for another warm up set..knee hurt a lil more, so I started to get a lil irritated ...and continued my warm up and put on 185lbs....went down for the first rep and my left knee popped and a shooting pain went through my body- I didnt stop...I pushed thru the pain. by the 5th rep I was in excruciating pain, but I kept going...I finally gave up the workout at about rep 8. For 4 months after that I couldnt walk up or down a flight of stairs without crying. 8 years later, I still cant squat and can barely get up off the floor after kneeling down. I learned my lesson that day...REST if your body is telling you too...you can always live to train another day. Just my two cents. HOpe it all works out for ya.