Binge eating



  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    So could I just wake up tomorrow and start fresh? What do I do with the remaining junk food? Do I just throw it out?

    throw it out. Hide it in the back or the freezer, give it to friends, just get rid of it.

    I will throw it out. My SO will be mad, but I gotta do what I need to.
  • iambuttercup
    iambuttercup Posts: 31 Member
    Sugar feeds sugar.

    What do people binge on? Junk food. A popular theory is eating highly processed foods, we don't get the micro nutrients we need. So we crave things. We eat more junk food with no macro nutrients, so we want more and keep on eating, we might get all bloated but never really satisfied.

    Never heard of someone binging on chicken breast and lettuce.
    well...I binge on healthy veggies, veggie soup, chicken...go figure
    Having eliminated most processed food and crap from my life, its all I have left to binge on and I still do. Last binge had me downing four bowls of zucchini soup, and some more heallthy things till I couldnt eat anymore. The feeling is the same but it is less satisfying, and I can go on longer then if it was junk food. But the good part is it is hard to feel guilty over too much veg :-)
    Look at it from addiction point. Carby, fat, processed food, you need to know your trigger foods and eliminate them. No sense stocking your shelves with the drugs you need to stop using, how self defeating is that? Eat enough so you dont get hungry, eat some huge pickles when you crave salt, a big glass of almond milk with a shot of coffee and vanilla when you crave sweet...basically set up your strategy for substituting the junk binge and make it a lesser evil. As you withdraw from the bad foods, ensure your eating enough and what you feel like ( dont eat sweet when you feel like a bag of chips- have pickles instead which are salty and crunchy) you'll automatically get less binges