Krav Maga classes

I found a martial arts place near my home that offers Krav Maga classes. I heard that it is a great workout, while it also teaches self defense and builds confidence. Has anyone taken these classes, and what did you think?

I want to give them a shot...even though I may never need to kick someone's butt, it would be nice to know that I could.



  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I found a martial arts place near my home that offers Krav Maga classes. I heard that it is a great workout, while it also teaches self defense and builds confidence. Has anyone taken these classes, and what did you think?

    I want to give them a shot...even though I may never need to kick someone's butt, it would be nice to know that I could.

  • alyfin
    alyfin Posts: 103
    I haven't personally taken Krav Maga - Simply because the nearest training center is 2 hours away, but I have heard excellent things from everyone I know who has taken it. It is number one on my list as soon as I am close to a center.
  • lovemuffins
    I use to teach Martial Arts (taekwondo) and my instructor was a Krav Maga instructor also. I took a few classes and they were an awesome workout! If you aren't shy and don't mind someone else's sweat on you than go for it! It is a high impact workout and gives you very good knowledge on self defense!
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    GO for it, Krav Maga is an excellent practical self defense system. Focuses alot of hold breaking, disabling defenses and eluding attackers. They focus at the higher levels multi attackers, it's an excellent choice for someone who just wants practical self defense and they teach weapons defense as well. As with all martial arts, they should off you the opportunity for a trial period, also do some research on the instructors to make sure they are legit. Beware the tell tale signs of the "mcdojo": no certified instructor background info, lengthy contracts, no trial, highly ranked very young students. There are others that may give a better workout (shodukon, MT, JJ), but it's hard to beat Krav Maga for real world application, although there are others.

    You may want to start a thread on this website regarding if anyone has heard of the school:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I took Krav Maga for a few months in Los Angeles and it is an AMAZING workout! It also made me super self confident (some would say aggro!). I totally became "that girl" at parties where I would be like "c'mon! Try to strangle me! Try to sucker punch me!" I was sort of dying for someone to f*** with me so I could show off my awesome Krav Maga moves.

    I stopped eventually -- it was expensive and I was already a member of another gym on the side.

    But really, nothing has ever come close for the sheer joy and release of being able to punch someone in a safe environment. Really fun!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Thanks for your advice...the dojo near my home has a free one month trial so I'm going to give it a shot.
    My first lesson is tonight...wish me luck and I hope that I come home in one piece!

  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    This sounds really cool. There's a krav maga studio where I live, I could take the first 2 classes for free. I might check it out. Thanks!