100 DAYS...How much can I change?

As of yesterday, there were 100 days until Jan 1st. I know everyone has their reasons for losing weight, and all our own goals we want to achieve... what I do know is that I NEED TO CHANGE IT UP SEVERELY! :huh:
My reasons for a change I can control because so much in the past 20 months of my life, I have NOT been able to control... In the last month alone, I have fallen off the wagon, broke the wagon, and freaking REBUILT the wagon and got back on. I am in control of what I eat and in control of getting healthier :) even if it seems my life is changing and rapidly losing everything around me that is "normal", I need to be ok...and will be ok. :smile: :bigsmile:
I wanted to have people that want to seriously change with me....see HOW MUCH we can change in 100 days! I love the encouragement I have gotten here... love getting on every day even though I may not say a lot. I am not good at "checking in" everyday, or being in control of a group.... but if you want to join the 100 DAY CHALLENGE with me, be my guest :flowerforyou:

Any ideas, thoughts, recipes.... hints.... encouragement.... HIT ME =D

I have started by juicing for detox, veggie soup for filler, lemon in water, turning off night time lights by 10:30(IG thing for me) and no eating after 8pm(unless apple or protein bar if under calories)...and min of 10 waters.

:happy: I am happy to help you :happy:

Please know I will post all of my foods and upfront say I AM NOT PERFECT... and I have learned that sometimes "cheating" is the best way for me NOT to fail overall :bigsmile: :blushing:


  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I will join you in the 100 day challenge :)

    I know that I will not lose what I want to lose by then, but maybe I can come darn close :) Then the challenge will be keeping it off...hopefully by then, the changes I'm making will seem more second nature then they currently are :).

    Feel free to add me to friends :) I just don't do a lot of commenting per se...never got into facebook.
  • Hey, joining IN!!

    For me its exactly not even about loosing weight, but more about controlling myself!! No, looking down on myself again!!

    I am currently trying to stop smoking as well and generally living healthier and taking care of my body:-).
    The 100 day challenge is perfect idea and I hope there ll be whole different bunch of ppl by the end of it!YEY

    So to confess first, my last try lasted 3 days and then I had 2 night shifts and I dont really know how to deal with them... - Anyone has tips of some energy boost food, exept chocolate bars etc .. or how to eat during the night, what time should be the last meal??

    So for me today is a NEW START:-), keep the fingers crossed

    be free to add me

  • moonmistmm
    moonmistmm Posts: 178 Member
    I'll do it! 100 days should at least put me pretty close to being in a healthy weight range, which is awesome! I just want to keep my motivation. I've realized that where I want to be is probably 30 or 40 lbs. more away.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Hi, count me in!

    I started my weight loss 6 years ago. This year after having a problem even getting my 'holiday weight gain' off I decided I needed to do more. So my original aim was 10lbs, which I increased to 15lbs. I am now thinking that to I can get to my ideal weight, why not! So am gonna change MFP to get me there. So 100 days, is the incentive. Good one and thank you.

    Looking forward to catching up with everyone.
  • zd04
    zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
    hey i wanna join you...So i've sent you request....
  • Wow 100 days till new year.
    That is really cool and so much motivation.
    I will join you too.

    Good luck and hopefully a lot of positive changes for all of us!
  • This challenge sounds great! I'm in!

    Anyone, feel free to add me if you want some motivational help! :D
  • AluminumKraken
    AluminumKraken Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in . I want to be down approximately 55-60 pounds by next June, so this will help keep me motivated and trying my hardest to get there. I'll admit that I can get extremely lazy, but if I have people who are expecting me to do something, I'll do it.

    All can feel free to add me.
  • ocassin
    ocassin Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in, I've also fallen off the wagon many a time, today is a new day.
  • Wiish
    Wiish Posts: 9 Member
    this sounds great im IN!! :)
    extra motivation would surely keep me moving
  • Count me in - this sounds like a great challenge and by the looks of things, lots of support :)
  • Hi

    I'm in!! However I only have 88 days until I go to Australia so I really need some encouragement. My grandaughter wants me to go swimming with her, and I really dont want to embaress her or myself, so I need to loose weight rapidly. I know I've probably left it too late but better late than never and any loss is a bonus!!
  • hina2584
    hina2584 Posts: 24 Member
    i like your idea.............i am in........i burdened my body with 10 kg weight :blushing: : and previously lead a non exercising lifestyle for a year or so,so i want myself back with health ,fitness and slimness too .......:smile:
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    I'm in! Want to impress my family when I go home for New Year's so this is a great idea!!!
  • I want to play too... My mind is finally in gear, I have new determination so BRING IT ON....

    Anyone want to add me, feel free.. More support the better =]
  • I am in too!!! Day one I started to drink at least 8 glasses of water. Day 2 I will walk 30mins on my work days.
    The rest I'll keep posting. Plus I am now 150lbs, by day 100 I will loose 30lbs and see 120lbs!!!
  • nikihampton
    nikihampton Posts: 62 Member
    You know I'm in! I look forward to the 100 days and seeing how close I can get to my goal weight. I have 45 lbs to get there.
  • daworley
    daworley Posts: 238 Member
    Count me in! As you said, so much I cannot change; I can't change others around me, but I can change ME! Great idea and good luck to all!
  • There's a wagon? I knew I got on the wrong ride. To heck with these bumper cars! I'd like to join in & could really use support. Add me if you will, thanks. I just started using MFP & have a long way to go! Good luck everyone & take care.
  • Nunita_1
    Nunita_1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm IN!!!