Protein Bars.. which one to get?!



  • cball3394
    I use protein bars when I'm in a hurry for work and cant eat breakfast. Also if my lunch and workout are far between each other. I really like the marathon bars by snickers. They taste really good and are pretty cheap. The caloric value is a little higher then some bars but its worth it for the taste. It's kind of like getting to eat a candy bar for a meal without it being horrible for you and actually filling you up. Hah
  • cball3394
    Also the total lean drinks by gnc.. Are a really great protein drink. You can pretty much always find them on sale and they are much better then the protein shakes I make myself with powder!
    MSxJENNY Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!!!! You are all informative!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I eat luna bars every day but I also like simply bars.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    My goal is 1.5 grams of protein per pound of my body weight. This requires a lot of meat and a daily protein shake. A 10 gram protein bar would not make much difference..

    That's fair enough. My protein goal is similar, (although I'm closer to 1g per pound than 1.5g); therefore I also eat a fair bit of chicken and a protein shake.

    But I find I need to snack frequently and where I used to have 3 or 4 candy bars a day (less than 10g of protein total!) I now have 3 or 4 high protein bars (25-35g protein) so that 100g of protein IS significant!

    However I completely concede that Protein bars are certainly far from an ideal source of protein, not to mention an expensive way of getting it! Works for me though
  • EPortJake
    EPortJake Posts: 54 Member
    I think the bars are good if you don't have access to proper food for a prolonged period of time - effectively a stopgap. I work night shifts so I am asleep for x hours, wake, go the gym, work. Having a proper meal before the gym isn't feasible because I don't want to be bagged up doing cardio. I eat a bar after my cardio during my weights to keep my protein intake for the day high but also for energy during my workout. I'll have one occassionally as a treat, but it is an expensive way to treat yourself as they can be costly and some of them frankly taste crap so it is hardly a treat.
    Protein bar is a bit misleading IMO - most of them are just low-fat snacks/food really (and some of the high calorie ones are actually basically just candy).
    Natural sources are always going to be better and there are loads of ways to make cold chicken/turkey/fish taste great. You could have a look at the recipes board for some inspiration.