Why wont my weight budge

Hi to whoever reads this...... I am really battling! What happens with me is I try to be really good for five days straight, stick to the 1500 calories that I am allowed and don't lose one single gram!!! I then get sooooo despondent and EAT!!! This pattern repeats itself week after week. Why am I not losing weight initially to help boost my confidence to stay on the healthy eating. I know it is stupid but it is a mental thing. My Mom, My sister, My friends all seem to lose weight so easily and I get so demotivated and then angry that I can't lose, self destructing. I have got 13kg's (28 lbs) to lose and in the past I have been able to lose weight. I will be 40 at the end of March and I would love to be able to lose the weight by then :sad: I really really need motivation please.......... Nobody thinks I can do it, especially ME


  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    It's tough, the older you get, the harder it can be to lose weight. Also, the less you have to lose, the harder it is.

    Maybe try Atkins? The induction phase will get the scale moving and it can be very motivating.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    You need to be consistent. Doing five good days then two bad days isn't going to work. Are you exercising? I find if I feel like I'm going to eat something bad I'll do some crunches or anything to take my mind of it. I don't eat really clean but if I want something as a treat I just make sure it fits in my allowance.
    Consistency is the key...come on, you can do it! :smile:
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Without being able to see your diary and what you are eating and how you are exercising makes it harder. But like Fozzi said you have to try to be consistent more often and give it a few weeks of healthy, clean eating. You might want to make your diary public so we can have a look and make suggestions if needed. Keep trying, I'm 44 and suffered a bad knee injury last year and surgery this year and I am losing, so while it may be harder, it's not impossible.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Hi, what are your stats! Either on here or by mail, send me your:

    Activity level (what you do on a daily basis work wise)
    The amount of exercise and type you do each week

    I will work out your TDEE for you and how much you should be eating.

    Sarah :)
    Hi to whoever reads this...... I am really battling! What happens with me is I try to be really good for five days straight, stick to the 1500 calories that I am allowed and don't lose one single gram!!! I then get sooooo despondent and EAT!!! This pattern repeats itself week after week. Why am I not losing weight initially to help boost my confidence to stay on the healthy eating. I know it is stupid but it is a mental thing. My Mom, My sister, My friends all seem to lose weight so easily and I get so demotivated and then angry that I can't lose, self destructing. I have got 13kg's (28 lbs) to lose and in the past I have been able to lose weight. I will be 40 at the end of March and I would love to be able to lose the weight by then :sad: I really really need motivation please.......... Nobody thinks I can do it, especially ME
  • bev0l0
    Hi Sarah,

    Age: 39
    Height: 1.70cm
    Weight: 172 pounds
    Activity level: I work from 8:00am - 1:00pm behind a computer and then do +/- 2hours of tutoring (standing) I do exercise three times a week (dance, walking)
    I would really appreciate your help Sarah, Thanks so much :-)
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Nobody thinks I can do it, especially ME

    This is your problem. You need to get your head round it and formulate a plan. Stick to that plan. Now that might be in the form of small goals, take one goal at a time and go for it! Don't try to do everything at once. Good luck!
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Hi flower,

    Right, the exercise. How long do you do it for and for what intensity? It's just so I can work out your TDEE properly. I use a different formula to MFP but it seems to work.

    No problem, don't mind helping!

    Sarah :)
    Hi Sarah,

    Age: 39
    Height: 1.70cm
    Weight: 172 pounds
    Activity level: I work from 8:00am - 1:00pm behind a computer and then do +/- 2hours of tutoring (standing) I do exercise three times a week (dance, walking)
    I would really appreciate your help Sarah, Thanks so much :-)
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    My biggest thing has been to take any kind of time limit off myself. I am NOT on a diet (although I kinda am ;)), I'm being more healthy. I'm watching my calories and I'm upping my exercise. And at some point in the future - roundabout mid March 2013 - I will be smaller than I am now. That's about it. No crazy 'I must lose 14lbs in a month or else I am a failure!' nonsense going on round these parts.

    When it takes us months and years to put on the weight why do we believe we're going to lose the weight in a fraction of the time? Because we want to? Well yeah, course we do but we can't argue with biology.....or chemistry......or whatever the hell processes it is that happens inside us. We can just have faith that we're doing the right things as often as we can.

    Be gentle with yourself - that doesn't mean slack off with your feet up stuffing junk food in your mouth lol. It just means it's a long road and it when it doesn't happen overnight then it doesn't mean you are a failure, it means you need to keep on trucking.

    Good luck, you know, you CAN do it :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I think you can do it. I would suggest you share your diary and look at what you eat -- eat food that is filling and you'll struggle less.
    It's also likely you will need to change your exercise to something more intense. While diet is the number one thing about weight loss, exercise will give you the headspace to eat more satiated.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member

    Right, I've worked out your TDEE which is what you need to eat in order to maintain your current weight. I've also worked out your BMR and Activity LEVEL too.

    I've used the Jillian Michaels formula which can be found here: http://www.jillianmichaels.com/fitness-and-diet-tips/determining-your-AMR

    BMR - 1531
    Actvity Level - 1.15 (I've put this between sedentary and lightly active since you stand for 2 hours a day as part of your job)
    TDEE - 1959

    My advice to you is, eat 10% lower than your TDEE, the most you should really eat below your TDEE is up to 20%. It depends on how quickly you want to get the weight off and, how determined you are as well as understanding how your body works. We're all different. If you're happy eating a bit less then, go for the 20% reduction but, personally, if it was me, I'd be sticking to the 10/15% mark, purely because I like my food.

    10% reduction - 1763 calories
    15% reduction - 1665 calories
    20% reduction - 1567 calories

    A lot of people think, to lose weight you have to eat hardly anything, it just doesn't work like that. I do a lot of exercise therefore I eat quite a bit and, in turn, eat a lot too. I am also 15lbs heavier than you too.

    If you've been eating quite a bit under any of these figures then you may find an initial gain in the first 1-2 weeks, do not worry about this. It's important you start eating enough to fuel your body to get it through the day.

    I'm not too sure what your diet is like but, aim to get your basics in, at least 5 fruit & veg a day, dairy, wholegrains and lean protein, along with good fats. Try and eliminate/reduce your stimulants, processed foods and alcohol intake too (this is just sugar).

    If you've got any questions, give me a shout!


    Hi Sarah,

    Age: 39
    Height: 1.70cm
    Weight: 172 pounds
    Activity level: I work from 8:00am - 1:00pm behind a computer and then do +/- 2hours of tutoring (standing) I do exercise three times a week (dance, walking)
    I would really appreciate your help Sarah, Thanks so much :-)
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    Last time I checked there are 7 days in a week, not 5
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    Sometimes I am really good 5 days a week and then am bad for 2 days. I'm lucky if I don't GAIN weight, but I surely don't lose anything. The old cliche- consistency is key...
  • bev0l0
    The dancing I do for 45mins 1 x a week, the walking is for 45mins 1 x a week and I do a step class for 45 mins 1 x a week.
  • bev0l0
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    :smile: Are you being 100% honest with yourself?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    How much are you sleeping?
    Are you stressed?
    Are you on any medication?
    How close are you to menopause?
    When did you last have a blood test done?

    I'd say eat healthy for the other benefits (longer life, decreased chance of diabetes, heart disease, etc) and exercise for the mental benefits and not focus on the scale.
  • bev0l0
    My biggest thing has been to take any kind of time limit off myself. I am NOT on a diet (although I kinda am ;)), I'm being more healthy. I'm watching my calories and I'm upping my exercise. And at some point in the future - roundabout mid March 2013 - I will be smaller than I am now. That's about it. No crazy 'I must lose 14lbs in a month or else I am a failure!' nonsense going on round these parts.

    When it takes us months and years to put on the weight why do we believe we're going to lose the weight in a fraction of the time? Because we want to? Well yeah, course we do but we can't argue with biology.....or chemistry......or whatever the hell processes it is that happens inside us. We can just have faith that we're doing the right things as often as we can.

    Be gentle with yourself - that doesn't mean slack off with your feet up stuffing junk food in your mouth lol. It just means it's a long road and it when it doesn't happen overnight then it doesn't mean you are a failure, it means you need to keep on trucking.

    Good luck, you know, you CAN do it :)
    Shoo, what a lovely message, Thank You :flowerforyou:
  • Slimat30
    Perhaps just weigh yourself once a month as it seems that the scale is triggering binges? X
  • bev0l0
    :smile: Are you being 100% honest with yourself?
    I guess not, No...... but I think I have got that now :wink: Perhaps just expecting too much too soon
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    I'll rejig your calculations now....
    The dancing I do for 45mins 1 x a week, the walking is for 45mins 1 x a week and I do a step class for 45 mins 1 x a week.