Hey there...just wondering if anyone has tried this product "As Seen on TV"?
It's an all natural Herbal Laxative for a 30-90 day cleansing cycle.
I just bought a bottle of the stuff to see if it will help me get to my final goal (10 more pounds). Lately I've been feeling really bloated.

Good or Bad...give me your feedback please! :smile:


  • InIt2WinIt
    Hey Spikes, I have never used or tried this product, but to keep flushed I drink Metamucil every night, it works pretty darn good. I would say just eat an enormous amt of fiber in your diet will help also, but I am not sure about the Herbal laxatives and whatnot...I hope it works for you...GOOD LUCK with those last 10!!!!:smile:
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks Init2Winit!

    I usually go over my daily fibre intake, maybe I need to increase it a little?
    I figure if this stuff is all natural, no harm in trying. Worst case scenario I'll stop if it makes me feel weird or sick.
    I've been in a bit of a plateau since June, my body seems to be comfortable where it's at, but I'm not. By no means am I overweight anymore, just want to shed a little more in my mid-section and thighs.

    Feel greater than ever though!
  • cherylpoitevent
    cherylpoitevent Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there --

    I've been here before... I'm assuming you're on a plateau?

    I don't believe in the herbal supplements after doing a lot of research on them... but I will tell you this. If you'll add about 10 - 15 minutes extra worth of activity on a daily basis.. to "kick start" your metabolism again, you'll start seeing improvements again.

    When you've been losing weight for a while, there comes a time when your body just says.... "I"m not gonna do it anymore." You have to tell it.... "YES, you are..."

    Supplements or not, more excercise is key as you lose weight to help your body adjust to the new lifestyle and weight that you are...

    I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but just offering advise because I've been on a plateau before and they stink...

    Hope this helps. GOOD LUCK!!!! :)
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    Hey Cheryl, thanks for the advice!
    I do work out a lot, I do Zumba classes three times a week, step class twice a week, weight class three times a week and pilates once a week, I'm at the gym 5 out of 7 days of the week for anywhere between 1-2 hrs at a time. I think another problem for me is the lack of CHANGE in my diet. I'm stuck on quick n easy breakfast to go ideas. I usually end up eating oatmeal, a banana & yogurt every morning for breakfast.
    I know supplements aren't the "easy" way out, I am very hesitant to use them....but since this one is all natural i figured I'd give it a shot. I've read a lot of good reviews on it about ppl feeling less bloated, more energetic (less sluggish), etc.