Shock Absorber Run sports bra!

Anyone use this particular brand?

I've just forked out a whopping 30 smackers for my 'Run' bra as it's apparently King of all sports bra and 78% bounce reduction (ooh la la) which is amazing for large breasted individuals such as myself. I got mine in the post today and found it seemed a little bit roomy in the chest area and there was still a definite bit of bounce going on. I realize this is likely to be expected, I mean, where for the other 22% of bouncing breastiness go? Up in smoke? No, but by review standards it's supposed to be as if the Lord himself is holding thy chesticles while you work out so you don't feel like you're carting around two small seals while trying to do an eight minute mile.


I think my "issue" (definitely not an issue) is that my gazongas are decreasing in size so I need a smaller cup. I've returned my 38F in exchange for a 38E which will hopefully fix my issue.

How're you finding the Shock Absorber range? I hope I haven't made doolally purchase and basically thrown thirty quid into the wind. Are they among the better sports bras or the worst? Personal experiences? Tell me everything.