Question about cardio vs strength training.

Hi All (A special shout out to the ones that remember me)

This question might seem obvious, but entertain me for a minute. When I do, as an example, 45 minutes of cardio I usually burn appx 400 calories give or take depending on the day. I have been wanting to add strength training into my routine because I feel like for the past 4 months my body has gotten use to the cardio. So on Monday I started my strength training routine (which really isn't anything extreme, but at least something). I did 20 minutes of cario, 20 minutes of Weight Training, and about 10 minutes of Ab work. I only burned 315 calories. I burned less calories adding in the strength training. I just want to make sure i'm doing the right thing here. I want to do the right thing.

Many thanks for the replies!


  • CristalBelle
    Cardio is great for cardiovascular health, and will give you more of an "instant" result so to speak, because you are burning more calories initially. Strength training for long term benefits however is just as important. It builds your lean muscle mass, which helps your body burn more calories while at rest. The best results are from a combination of the 2.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    So does it sound like my routine is pretty right on?
  • You will continue to burn calories throughout the day after you do strength training. Try upping your cardio to 30-35 minutes and then strength train. This is what I have found by researching that most trainers recommend.
  • angelajeanne23
    The best results you can get are definitely from a combination of weights and cardio. My boyfriend, a personal trainer, suggests doing weights and cardio at least 3 days a week while doing only cardio another two days.

    What you can also do is try to turn your weights routine into a cardio workout. As you go through each machine don't take a long time between sets (30-45 seconds max). This will keep your heart rate up as you go through. Also, try entering in your weights routine into the cardio section of your exercise on MFP (Circuit Training). Just put in the number of minutes you did it for.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Yeah, I do need to up my cardio a little bit. I go during my lunch break (it's honestly the only time I have to exercise) so I have to get everything done in about 50 minutes.

    Maybe I can add the Wii Fit Plus at night to add in additional cardio/calories burned.
  • CristalBelle
    If you are working on a short time to get in your cardio and weights, try switching your cardio to HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training). You get more bang for your buck with that!