Attn: cooks. I need canning ideas!

Hi all!

So, in an effort to support both my overall health and the health of the local farmers and businesses in my area, I buy about 90% of my produce, meats, etc., locally. This means, of course, that I only really eat things that are in season. Summer is coming to an end (noooooo....), and that means I have to say goodbye to the peaches, tomatoes, sweet corn, and other yummy things that Ontario produces so beautifully. This Friday I'm driving out to a few farms and stocking up on everything I can get my hands on. On Saturday and Sunday I'll be in the kitchen 24/7 canning, freezing, etc., so that I can still enjoy produce through the winter.

Ok, cooks, go! Gimme your favourite canning recipes, tips, and other useful bits of information (please)!
