Challenge!!!!!!!.... 30 Day Shred..... October 1!

Hello my fellow Fitness Pal Friends!

I am leaving for Cuba on November 29.. and I have gained some weight over the summer time.. about 6 pounds! I would love to get back down to my lowest of 139 before I leave if not lower! I really want to get up in the morning at 6am and do my shred but I am finding it very very hard...I feel I need to find other's to do the shred with me.. we can talk about it.. Motivate each other.. Who is in! We will Start October 1 and do it Monday-Friday.

October 1-October 12 - Level 1
October 15-October 26 - Level 2
October 29-November 9 - Level 3
Will have finally measurements and weight in on November 9!

WHO IS WITH ME!?? If you are in please write your goals and what time a day you plan on working out..(I will be doing it in the morning which I am finding very hard to do! Hope others will be also doing it in the morning :) Happy Shredddding!


  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hello my fellow Fitness Pal Friends!

    I am leaving for Cuba on November 29.. and I have gained some weight over the summer time.. about 6 pounds! I would love to get back down to my lowest of 139 before I leave if not lower! I really want to get up in the morning at 6am and do my shred but I am finding it very very hard...I feel I need to find other's to do the shred with me.. we can talk about it.. Motivate each other.. Who is in! We will Start October 1 and do it Monday-Friday.

    October 1-October 12 - Level 1
    October 15-October 26 - Level 2
    October 29-November 9 - Level 3
    Will have finally measurements and weight in on November 9!

    WHO IS WITH ME!?? If you are in please write your goals and what time a day you plan on working out..(I will be doing it in the morning which I am finding very hard to do! Hope others will be also doing it in the morning :) Happy Shredddding!

    Ashley...I have tried the shred beofre and completely lost my at home motivation....but I REALLY want to do it for a FULL 30days...

    I will commit as well as commit to checking in with you so we can keep each other accountable...

    I will take measurements and share them with you as well....

    SO COUNT ME IN!! I need the support though...
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    Girl I almost texted you this morning to tell you I could just NOT get out of bed! I was so TIRED! I can not do it in the mornings. I may have to start doing it at night. But you know I'm totally with you on this girl.
  • petkova
    Oh I am so IN !!! I will facetime/skype myself to you in the morning if that will motivate you hehehe
    But seriously, I am interested :)
  • Ashley3915
    Ashley3915 Posts: 48 Member
    This is awesome!!!! We can do this!! :)
  • maddiec1989
    maddiec1989 Posts: 144 Member
    October 1st sounds like a good day to start round 2 of the shred, count me in :)
  • maddiec1989
    maddiec1989 Posts: 144 Member
    Just to add I'll probably be doing it at night. I usually work or have class until 9pm during the week and find doing it at 10pm before I start to unwind for the night the best time for me.
  • AndieAnderson
    Hello my fellow Fitness Pal Friends!

    I am leaving for Cuba on November 29.. and I have gained some weight over the summer time.. about 6 pounds! I would love to get back down to my lowest of 139 before I leave if not lower! I really want to get up in the morning at 6am and do my shred but I am finding it very very hard...I feel I need to find other's to do the shred with me.. we can talk about it.. Motivate each other.. Who is in! We will Start October 1 and do it Monday-Friday.

    October 1-October 12 - Level 1
    October 15-October 26 - Level 2
    October 29-November 9 - Level 3
    Will have finally measurements and weight in on November 9!

    WHO IS WITH ME!?? If you are in please write your goals and what time a day you plan on working out..(I will be doing it in the morning which I am finding very hard to do! Hope others will be also doing it in the morning :) Happy Shredddding!

    I bought the DVD and keep quitting after day 3, I am so in. I am planning on doing every evening from October 01st - October 30th.
  • Ashley3915
    Ashley3915 Posts: 48 Member
    Perfect!!! :) Cant wait
  • RMLMoore
    RMLMoore Posts: 130 Member
    How long are the workouts? Any idea of the calories burned? (Trying to gear up to track)
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    I had posted a thread about this. I started a group if anyone wants to join in!

    Group is called 30 Day Shred Oct 1st!!!
  • missjones93
    missjones93 Posts: 74 Member
    Oh man - I so wanna do this but I am so out of shape. The last time I tried it. I only finished like the first circuit and it took me three days to recover. I've been lifting some though so maybe I will try it again. I'll let y'all know on October the first.

    Is anyone else like me? Lol.
    I like the Challenges - cause you guys can keep me motivated!
    Good Luck!
  • canela023
    canela023 Posts: 88 Member
    I just looked at this and am gonna try and do it. I don't have the DVD but I saw that it is online with youtube. I have a huge screen tv in the family room that connects to the Wii. Has anyone tried this? I'll update tomorrow and let yas know if it worked.
  • mcondra859
    I'm in ! I was just searching to see if anyone would be doing it with me if i started...and I FOUND YOU ! :) Going to a concert with an ex nov.3, and i want him to see what he's missing ! lol
  • lewis350
    Hi girls a group has been started, why don't u join us here
  • determined_01
    I'm in! I am starting level 3 on the first and then doing another round right after
  • tonyat483
    tonyat483 Posts: 9 Member
    I just completed Day 6 this morning!!! So I'm a little ahead, but if its okay I would like to join the group for motivation too! I have started (or thought about starting) a few times before, but never made it past two or three days. I'm DETERMINED to make it the full 30 days this time!
  • lyndakentie
    lyndakentie Posts: 10 Member
    can you get you tube through the wii?
  • butterflyfairy2
    butterflyfairy2 Posts: 96 Member
    I did a September 30day Shred Challenge but didn't make it past level 2 due to so much pain in my knees and foot. I have been on steroids and feeling better so I would like to give this another shot.
    Im up for the challenge. I usually do mine in the mornings around 9 after my kids have left for school. Last time I did it for the 10 days straight through so maybe taking a break will be good.
    Are you going to start a private group so we have somewhere to check in?
  • lewis350
    Hi girls a group has been started, why don't u join us here

    See above about the group LOL
  • Alotalove4u
    Alotalove4u Posts: 67 Member
    Is this the Julianne Michaels work-out?