Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred anyone/ Input on new routine

I started doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 1 on Monday & so far I really like it. I like that she helps us to tone & build lean muscle, instead of lifting heavier weights which I am finding is making me a bit bulky. Now before anyone jumps on me & says that lifting weights doesn't make you bulky....For most people this is probably true. But in my case it isn't. It must be something in my genes that helps me build & retain muscle very easily. Even before I worked out I used to have people ask me if I played soccer because my legs were so tone & strong looking. My arms also have always been strong & muscular, but it wasn't that noticeable until I lost a lot of weight that I have some serious biceps to the point where people are like "Wow, you need to lay off the arm exercises!" And I don't even work out my arms very much! LOL! But, back to the video I don't feel like it has enough cardio in it for me & I really like to burn up some calories when I work out. Normally I do 45 mins on my elliptical machine & then some weight lifting. All together my morning workout normally takes 60-80 mins. So what I did today & yesterday was to start on my elliptical as usual, but just do 30 mins instead of 45 & then move right onto the shred dvd. What does everyone think? I'm trying to create a toned, but lean look to my body. For those of you who have done the 30 day shred workouts did you find that you burned a lot of calories just doing the 30 min DVD alone or that you needed to incorporate additional exercise? What did you think of the video/series overall? Thanks for opinions!


  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
  • i just bought the set so im going to find out too
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    Do it every day for 30 days and you will see results. Look at my before/after photos in my profile. Good luck!
  • Do it every day for 30 days and you will see results. Look at my before/after photos in my profile. Good luck!
    congrats, def. motivated me to go home and start tonight
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Do it every day for 30 days and you will see results. Look at my before/after photos in my profile. Good luck!
    Ok I'm convinced! You look amazing!!!! Wow!
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    Do it every day for 30 days and you will see results. Look at my before/after photos in my profile. Good luck!
    Ok I'm convinced! You look amazing!!!! Wow!

    Thanks. :)
    I also did: No More Trouble Zones and her 6-Pack in 6-Weeks.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I started it 9 days ago, and I agree with you with not wanting bulk up. I also the elliptical as well, I just do it later in the day.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Do it every day for 30 days and you will see results. Look at my before/after photos in my profile. Good luck!
    Ok I'm convinced! You look amazing!!!! Wow!

    Thanks. :)
    I also did: No More Trouble Zones and her 6-Pack in 6-Weeks.

    I'll be sure to try those as well :wink:
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    I started it 9 days ago, and I agree with you with not wanting bulk up. I also the elliptical as well, I just do it later in the day.

    How do you like it so far?
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    I started the 30DS at the beginning of September. I have kept doing my regular gym sessions going, which is a mix of cardio and weight training, and then I come home and do the video. I think if you feel you can do some of your regular routine and the video go for it. If it gets too much then back off a bit.
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm in week 3 of 30DS! I've been pairing it with 30 minutes of cardio (running/walking/elliptical/arc trainer). I can definitely tell a difference in my body. I haven't lost many pounds, but I didn't have a lot of muscle to start with so I'm probably gaining muscle as I go (much needed!).
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Use very light weights and you won't have to worry about bulking up. I'm on Level 3 and have had great progress...dropping inches like crazy. About mid-way through Level 2, I started taking adding another 10 mins of cardio and now I'm up to an additional 20. It was only burning 250 cals for me using HRM and I like to burn around 400+.

    I've also been doing her No Trouble Zones and Killer Buns and Thighs, which are about 45 mins long each. I get a better workout doing those, but they are a killer.
  • ltowns11
    ltowns11 Posts: 134 Member
    Hey girl! I am on day 6 of level 1. I love it so much!!! I still do my normal excercise that consits of Running 3 times per week, cycling once or twice and my other lifting like twice a week. I feel like I can definately feel a difference from adding the shred. My excersice is usually on point, just my diet that stinks! No before and after pictures yet but I can tell the difference. I would say to continue what you have done previously and add the shred to it you will feel and see the difference! BTW I burn less than 200 calories (based on HRM) when I do the shred so not a major calorie burner.

    Good luck hope you love it as much as I do!!!!
  • PunkyG210
    PunkyG210 Posts: 94 Member
    I just finished doing Insanity and I've just started 30 Day Shred. I feel the same about the lack of Cardio in 30 Day Shred. Of course, after Insanity, probably everything else will feel like it doesn't have enough cardio. lol I like the 30 Day Shred but I'm adding in Brazil Butt Lift. I've just started that as well. There is a workout in BBL called Cardio Axe and doing that one I was able to burn about 300 calories. I haven't done all of the workouts in the program so I can't say how much cardio is involved in the rest of them. As long as I can burn about 500 cals a day, I think I'll be ok til I can start another round of Insanity. I'm hoping to lean out and tone up a bit with 30 Day Shred but I felt I needed to add in something else as well, thus the addition of BBL.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    I think most people feel the same way I do about the series. It's great, but extra cardio on the side is needed to burn extra calories.
  • PennyHarris123
    PennyHarris123 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm about to start this afternoon! i'm going to mix it with other gym classes I go to and not do the shred everyday eg tomorrow I have kettlebells followed straight after with step so won't do it tmw. Will when I do just one class or a swim. good luck!
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    Do it every day for 30 days and you will see results. Look at my before/after photos in my profile. Good luck!
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    Do it every day for 30 days and you will see results. Look at my before/after photos in my profile. Good luck!
    You're results are FREAKING AMAZING!!! I just bought Shred earlier today & now I'm that much more excited to do it! Thank you for the extra motivation!
  • I have just brought the 30ds DVD so excited to get started and hopefully to see some results :) I would like to know the exact input you enter each day after the workouts because it looks as though I would have to enter exactly what I did which could be inaccurate xx