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I hear everyone talk about eating less processed, more whole foods. I agree. I work full time, have a husband and 2 kids(in school). I know I pick up a lot of ready to eat stuff for convenience (like fiber one bars, cheese sticks, yogurt, etc.). What would you suggest I get to stock myself up on for snacks and meals away from home? I cook good meals most nights, but sometimes there aren't enough left overs to take with me.


  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    With a busy schedule like that i find it hard to avoid processed foods completely, but i find i do much better when i have time to prepare....for example, cooking and extra chicken breast or two whenim making anything with chicken then i can use it for a fresh salad with chicken, i can roll it in a low cal wrap or pita, etc. i do much better not grabbing a fiber one bar (tho i love them) when i have time to wash and cut all of the fresh veggies that i purchased...to me being prepared is what makes it easy, i am usually able to run home for lunch, but i always need a mid-afternoon snak at work. when i can reach in the refrigerator and grab cut up celery and peppers and just plop a spoon full of hummus in a container then my fiber one bars or 100 calorie snack packs sit in the pantry...when im trying to get back to work and i open the refrigerator to find whole peppers and a bunch of celery still in the bag then forget it...processed food here i come.