runners...advice please



  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I haven't experienced pain but I would suggest if you have not done so, visit a running store and get a gait/foot analysis. You may be wearing the run type of shoe. I used to have horrible shin splits until I did this and got the right shoe. I have not experienced shin splints since. Above all else, always listen to your body.


    Shooting pain, in my particular body (YMMV) is indicative of something being out of whack independent of stretching. The "wrong" shoes can take a while to do damage, but once I'm there only a change in shoes fixes it. For me, my hips are the canary in the coal mine - if I have any pain at all in my hips, I take a serious look at my shoes, socks, and running surface. If you're running on suburban roads, change sides often (the camber/slope can cause leg, hip, back, and neck pain). If you're on a treadmill, make sure you're ok with the incline and it's on a flat surface (once saw a treadmill set up over a seam in concrete, kid you not it was tilted to one side ever so slightly!).

    I'd definitely go to a running store and get your gait and shoe combo checked out by a runner - someone at footlocker once sold me "stability runners" for people who pronate (roll their feet) because I was running on uneven terrain - I didn't know any better, and it almost cost me my knees. A web search of "pronation" will give you pointers to look at your own shoe wear and help you try to figure it out if there's no running store nearby.
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    I've read that in the first year of running, nobody should attempt to do a 5k of strict running. A maximum of 7 min running, three minutes walking is recommended on many sites I've been to.

    But the Couch 2 5K program is done in 9 weeks??
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Static stretch ONLY when warmed up. I often will run a couple miles, then stop and stretch on a park bench or brick wall or something. When I finish, I always stretch.