Arm Pit Fat :/

Hey all! I have a question! I have been working out a lot with a mix of cardio and weights and so far, I have been pleased with the results. I know that you cannot target specific areas to burn fat, but I am getting frustrated by that pesky arm pit fat! You know- that fat that pooches out from under your arms when you're wearing a tank top or strapless.
I am getting married next summer, and my dress is strapless, and I REALLY want that area to be super sexy! Does anyone have advice for how to tone that awkward area, or how to reduce the pooch???



  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    All you can do is reduce body fat, unfortunately. But rest assured, that no matter how much pooch you have in your gown, you will look stunning anyway. (Brides always look stunning!)
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Poster #2 is right. As you drop weight, the weight goes away from all areas. As I got toward my goal, I was actually surprised at how much leaner I was in the armpits. I never even realized I was storing fat there.

    So . . . IF that is the bad news (and it's really not), the GOOD news is that you have plenty of time to get sexy armpits before next summer. It took me around 6 months to lose 45 lbs. You are already on your way and you have (guessing) 3 months extra to play with (assuming June wedding).

    In case you are curious, I set MFP for loss rate of 1 lb/week and tried to come in under (even if only by a few calories) my allowance every day. I also did cardio and weight training. I usually ate back some of my workout-burned calories, but not all. Afterall, losing weight is all about creating a deficit.

    The weight training will tone your muscles -- and that new and awesome muscle tone will be slowly revealed as you lose the fat that is covering it up. One day, you will just look in the mirror at the gym and say "Wow! Look at that!"

    Good luck. MFP works if you stick to it.
  • atenin10
    atenin10 Posts: 22 Member
    Aviduser - that was such an inspiring post. Thanks!
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Aviduser - that was such an inspiring post. Thanks!

    Thanks! Motivation is important.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Listen. That "fat" is supposed to be there. Everyone has it. It's airbrushed out of magazine models. It's probably not as much fat as you think it is - that pooch is mostly skin, and without it, you wouldn't be able to raise your arms very high. And a goodly portion of the fat IN that pouch is probably breast tissue, squished out of the cup because you're likely wearing the wrong size of bra. Go get yourself measured (just not at Victoria's Secret, they're notoriously bad at it) and get some properly-fitting bras, and you should see a reduction in that area immediately. The rest of what you see is, again, mostly skin. Even people with super-sexy and defined muscular arms have that when they stand with their hands at their sides. All you can do is burn more calories than you eat and you'll lose fat everywhere, but don't expect that little bulge to go away.
  • lanorrr
    Thank you everyone! I know armpit fat sort of a weird complaint- the bra suggestion is a good one! I just recently tried on my dress with an old strapless bra that was definitely the wrong size. And yes, I do have a lot more time to hit the gym between now and June. I'll get on that!