Anyone used on LA WeightLoss Program

I met this gal a while back she lost about 100 lbs in a year and 1/2 half. She said she was on LA weight loss.
I did not have a chance to talk in her in detail. Anyone knows about this program?


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I did that program 16 years ago...let me think....It did work...I did lose weight...I gained it back and yo-yo'ed. (Is that a word?):laugh: but I think you have to buy some of their food and supplements. I like to learn about modifying the use of regualr foods, not having to go buy their foods, and not teaching me about "the real world foods."
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Really? She told me she did not to buy any food. Told me in general something about food meassurement.
  • bethcrooks
    I was on LA Weight Loss about 5 years ago. It works but I found it to be very restrictive so when I went off the program, I gained the weight back. Example: I wasn't allowed regular onions (too much sodium); bananas were too starchy so you could have like 1/2 of one a day or it counted as your starch. I remember talking to a nutritionist a couple of years ago and told her this. She said 'ever know anyone that got fat because they ate too many bananas?'. Point taken. =)

    There were so many 'off limit' foods. It just wasn't at all satisfying. Anyway, bottom line for me is that it definitely works but I don't think it taught life long eating skills because none of us will spend the rest of our lives depriving ourselves of foods we love. Now, let me end with, this program has probably evolved since I was on it so I would check it out. See if it's right for you.

    For me, only logging foods here and exercising has worked. I've lost weight slower by using these tools than programs like LAWL but I feel like I'm in a habit more so than a boot camp. I feel that's the best for long term success. Also... I bought my husband the GoWear Fit monitor. He's lost a lot of weight since Christmas because it's so accurate. He found that the elliptical machine we have at home was displaying that he burned twice as many calories as he actually did. He's been with me on myfitnesspal for the last 6 months as well. So, that's an option too. it's just another tool to help success.

    Good luck!

    Oh, and I just read the other responses. yes, I had to buy protein bars/shakes/muffins and they really pushed supplements. It was expensive and I hated the protein bars. Anyway, maybe they don't do that anymore but that was certainly a huge part of their program.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Thanks. LA weightloss went bankrupcy.