bad food cravings lately

so Ive lost approx 30,, i still have 70 to go to be at my goal weight, everyone says they see a change,,, i dont...Im feeling lately this is a psychological thing,, and I am so affraid of gaining it back, that if i cheat i work out right away,,, and sometimes i just wanna binge,,,, all in all i am eating a lot healthier than i ever did , but i am still disappointmented in myself, and then the negitive self talk comes in , i think i need help or maybe i have the possibility of having a form of eating disorder,, i went to BANA in ontario and never stuck it out, i have been thinking of going to overeaters annoynomous,,, I hate that health and food consume me, i want to be relaxed, loose weight eat healthy and not judge myself so much,,, any thoughts...also I am kinda in a financial situation right now, money is tight,, I am finding it hard to buy healthier things as it costs more, today was the first day I had to use the food bank for my family and there is hardly anything i can eat...there was cookies and a kit kat in the bag,, of course i was so hungry...I ate it,, i put it on my food tracker today and I will be ok as long as i watch my carbs and fats the rest of the there anyone else out there that might understand,,, I am just having a hard time thanks


  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    Sometimes it's just picking the lesser of the evils available.

    I have no words of wisdom on the food thing, but the financial thing and hard times I get very well.

    My hard times today are emotionally related and I am feeling very overwhelmed. Right now I am eating only because I don't want my body to shut down. I haven't been hungry in nearly two weeks and I know it's the stress.
    My mother-in-law has stage 4 cancer in her throat, brain and kidneys, time is running out on us. She has been like a second mom to me and our family is rocked to the core right now, my oldest daughter is in the hospital and it is long term hospitalization and we have no insurance. Yeah, I get where you are coming from. All I can offer you is my prayers that it will get better.

    much love your way. It will get better.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Congratulations on the 30lbs lost so far! That's not easy, and you should be really proud of yourself. I know it's hard to give yourself credit sometimes when you're so used to being self-critical, but I'm not just being nice - 30lbs down is a real achievement.

    If you think you need help with your food issues, then by all means go and get some - there's absolutely no shame in it. I don't know what options there are where you live, and whether your financial situation would affect what help you could get. Overeaters Anonymous sounds like a good idea to try though. There are also a lot of good books available about compulsive and emotional eating that you could probably get quite cheaply second hand from ebay or Amazon.

    Continuing to log your food, even though you're not so happy with what you have available at the moment - that's really important. At least you can keep a handle on what you are eating. Remember you always have the option of changing your goal to maintenance for a little while. Again, that's no failure. I just had a two-week diet break, where I ate at maintenance, and now I'm losing again. I know it's probably not what you want at this stage, but if things get really bad, it might just give you a little bit of wiggle-room with your calories and help you to relax about it all.

    I think relaxing is the key really. You've done really well so far, and there's no reason to say that you're going to mess up now and gain it back. One cookie or kitkat isn't going to make that happen. Stop thinking that you're destined to fail, because you can do this, you can succeed if you want to.:flowerforyou: