New to MFP

Hi all!
I am beginning my search for the old me and would love encouragement!
In the past I have not made much time for me. I work and work and just to make sure...I work some more!
Currently, I have made positive changes and now take time to eat meals. I still struggle to keep my calories where they should be. When you eat only 1 to 2 times per day and begin this program, you feel like all you do is eat. This has been a hard one for me.
I have cut my hours back to 40 per week. (the past 5 yrs I worked 50 to 70)
My next positive change is making time for DAILY exercise!
My husband is working all night and going to school all day. This leads to guilty feelings on my part due to conflict of time.

This past weekend I allowed myself to feel defeated due to low losses. I keep playing with those 5lb!
I am looking for friends to help give me a push when I get off track! Please add me.
