Cat training assistance needed



  • Use a cleaner like Nature's Miracle or Simple Solution (sold at most pet stores) to clean up the bed and sheets. Sometimes cats need more than one litter box. Other things you can try are feliway (cat aromatherapy, available in both plug-in and spray) and litter attractant.
    I agree that you should take the cat to the vet to rule out any medical issues.
    A temporary solution would be to place "incontinence pads" on the bed so that if the cat pees, it is soaked up by the pad and is easier to clean up. Don't get puppy pads because they have added ingredients to attract the pet to use them. I bought some at Walmart and used them when my cat was peeing on the carpet in front of our closet. They really helped me keep my sanity until the cat finally started using her litter box regularly again. Also, by using those pads I was able to notice when she had an accident and take care of it right away, instead of waiting to step in a wet spot.

    Oh, and I also started rewarding her with treats everytime I noticed that she actually went in her litterbox.
  • Vet visit first to rule out a UTI or other issue. Multiple boxes that are constantly clean and last resort is keep her out of your room. I had one cat that did this years ago. She was the sweetest thing ever but the vet informed us (as kindly as possible) that the cat was likely less than intellectually superior due to inbreeding. She ended up being a barn cat for a friend of ours (which she was very good at.) Good luck.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    I need help with this too. My shelter cat that I adopted likes to pee on our shoes. I moved the litter box into the general area where we keep our shoes, but she is still doing it. I was thinking about spraying the carpet with vinegar to see if the smell deters her, but I don't think you will want to do that with your bed.

    I've found that with one of my cats, if I leave shoes in the entryway/hallway area of the house, he will pee on them. Other areas of the house, he doesn't do it. I just make sure that I don't leave any shoes there and it seems to work out. Maybe kitty feels like where you're leaving your shoes is her turf.
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    It could be a variety of things. First thing is take her to the vet to rule out a bladder infection. It could also be the litter that you are using. We bought one once that was on sale and one of my cats developed a rash and lost some fur around his bottom area, He garnered the name baboon butt from that. Neither of our other two cats had a single problem with the litter but we threw out the whole box and started fresh. Do you work all day or gone leaving her alone for long periods of time. She could be doing it to get your attention.

    And for the person that said that cats don't hold grudges. You've never met MY cats. I have one that won't have anything to do with my brother because he stepped on the cats tail....6 yrs ago. And a female cat that hisses and screams at my son when he comes anywhere near him. She has not forgiven him for being the one that put her in the carrier when it was time to have her spayed and declawed. That was 3 yrs ago.

    Cats have emotions and thought processess and are quite smart. I've raised cats for over 20 yrs and currently have 5 of them. Feel free to message me if you have any more questions.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    If your house is big, maybe an additional litter box upstairs? My brother was having this issue with one of his new kittens. That was my suggestion and it worked for him.

    This is a great suggestion. Maybe there needs to be a litterbox that's more convenient when kitty is spending time upstairs.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm home for lunch and glanced through some replies quickly, but will read more thoroughly later. I may have to put a litterbox upstairs to see if that helps. It's big enough, but no real convenient place for it. I hate to have it in my bedroom, but I guess that's better than what's happening.

    She doesn't seem stressed in general. She plays constantly. She does keep trying to get outside, but I'm afraid she'll get eaten by something or hit by a car. Ugh.

    She will definitely be getting fixed, but the vet said 5 or 6 months and we're not there yet. I keep thinking she's marking me as her territory or something. The main litterboxes are in the laundry room and the food is in the kitchen. Obviously, there's one small one in the bathroom and there's food in there for her to eat at night. She's only 3 or 4 months right now, so not even old enough for any major changes beyond initially coming to live with us.

    I think I'm going to try some of that spray stuff that's supposed to keep them away.

    Thank you all. If anyone has other ideas, I'll try ANYTHING!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Also, you should have the same number of litter boxes as you have cats plus one.
    So, if you have 1 cat, that means 2 litter boxes. If you have 4 cats, that means 5 litterboxes, etc.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Multiple litterboxes, make sure you wash the bedding with an enzymatic cleaner (nature's miracle is one) to get rid of any traces of the funk, neutering if age appropriate, and/or a vet check up to rule out a UTI.

    This, and experiment with litter - some cats don't like some types of litter. You can try Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract Litter or Powder.

    Edit to add don't scold the cat - they won't understand and if they associate getting scolded with using the litterbox, then you'll have even bigger problems!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    put a litter box upstairs too? Is she asleep when she's doing this or no?

    She's definitely wide awake and it's definitely deliberate. It's only once or twice a week. And she does pee in the litterbox, as well.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    We have a new female kitten also about the same age. My regular vet said age 6 months for spaying. It seems like many vets do, but really it can be done much younger. Rescue organizations routinely do it at 8 weeks. I found a spay/neuter clinic nearby and not only are they way cheaper than the regular vet, they don't advocate waiting till 6 months. Some cats can go into heat by that age. Just FYI. They do grow up fast! And good luck with the bed peeing. Just try changing things around and you'll find the key to getting her to stop, or she may just stop doing it and you won't know what the key was.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    My cat was doing that. It was on my SO's side of the bed, which was slightly entertaining to me, but I could smell it and he couldn't, which wasn't entertaining at all.

    She would also hunch up any small rugs or mats she could find and pee on those. She was still using the litter box just fine, but she was going pee all over everything else too.

    She had no other visible signs of infection that I picked up on.

    I made my appointment to get her fixed, and asked if they could do a urinalysis while she was already under (no urine sample to bring in) to check for a UTI.

    Sure enough, when I picked her up the next day, she came home with an antibiotic. Shed tested positive for a UTI. She's been fine since.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I need help with this too. My shelter cat that I adopted likes to pee on our shoes. I moved the litter box into the general area where we keep our shoes, but she is still doing it. I was thinking about spraying the carpet with vinegar to see if the smell deters her, but I don't think you will want to do that with your bed.

    I've found that with one of my cats, if I leave shoes in the entryway/hallway area of the house, he will pee on them. Other areas of the house, he doesn't do it. I just make sure that I don't leave any shoes there and it seems to work out. Maybe kitty feels like where you're leaving your shoes is her turf.

    I'll have to try this. I do keep a shoe rack there for community shoes, but we generally just leave the shoes in the area and don't actually put them on the shoe rack. Of course, she very often just pees on the carpet in that area so I don't know. I'll work with the kids to keep the shoes on the rack and see if she changes her behavior.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My SIL had a cat that did that. Turned out the cat had UTIs. Many of them.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I had mentoned this to the vet during the last visit and he wasn't concerned, but I'm definitely bringing it up again and asking for a UTI check. I hate having to lock her in the bathroom at night and now she's started doing it during the day, which is a HUGE problem.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Here in the UK we have a cat food brand called James Wellbeloved, the senior cat blend has cranberry in it to help with UTI's. If that is the diagnosis, you might check if you have something available in your local pet store. Good luck and don't give up on kitty.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Why do you still let your cat on your bed? Obviously it sees it as a litter box.

    Def, use something to get rid of the smell, which is next to impossible. probably best to just buy new sheets and bed cover.

    **Also, how old was kitty when you took it home? If it was too young, that could be the problem.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why do you still let your cat on your bed? Obviously it sees it as a litter box.

    Is this ... a SERIOUS QUESTION???

    Good grief.

    Anyway, the vet didn't test for a UTI but treated her just in case and said if it doesn't stop, it's behavioral and recommended basically the same things as here. I think I'm going to try to keep a litter box upstairs, continue with putting her in the bathroom at night and make sure the bed gets made every day.