Is yogurt healthy or unhealthy?



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    IMHO, the two most overused words in the dieter's vocabulary are "healthy" and "unhealthy". What kind of "health" are you looking at? Is a "healthy" food something that is low in calories? Low in sodium? Fat? Carbohydrates? Does it have vitamins and minerals? Fiber? What? What do you want?

    Yogurt has great health benefits. Is it worth getting rid of from your diet in order to lose weight or see an improvement in your overall health? Absolutely not; especially greek yogurt. A healthy diet is about having a good balance.

    There is no one food that is "fattening". Overeating is "fattening".
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    Fattening? It has fat in it. That's not exactly the same thing.

    Healthiest yogurt choice is Greek yogurt- it has low sugar and high protein. I highly recommend the fruit or honey versions of Chobani and Fage. You can't go wrong with either. It's a little adjustment from the Dannon/Yoplait sugar packets often passing as yogurt :smile: but definitely tasty and worth it.

    both chobani and fage have average of 20 grams of sugar per serving....30 with the honey one. that is a TON of sugar.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    It's old milk, all curdled, yuk. would you eat old green steak?

    I think not. So unhealthy!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Read the label.

    Seriously, nothing intrinsically good or bad about yogurt. There are so many varieties that you can no doubt find one that will blow your numbers for the day and not be satisfying, or you could find one that fits nicely.

    For me, fat free plain Chobani is hard to beat as a high protein/calcium snack a couple of times a week.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    both chobani and fage have average of 20 grams of sugar per serving....30 with the honey one. that is a TON of sugar.

    I ate a chobani every single day for 4 months and still lost 40lbs. If 6oz of greek yogurt unravels your diet, you have bigger problems.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    It's old milk, all curdled, yuk. would you eat old green steak?

    I think not. So unhealthy!

    Not sure about the "green" part, but great steak is aged.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Fattening? It has fat in it. That's not exactly the same thing.

    Healthiest yogurt choice is Greek yogurt- it has low sugar and high protein. I highly recommend the fruit or honey versions of Chobani and Fage. You can't go wrong with either. It's a little adjustment from the Dannon/Yoplait sugar packets often passing as yogurt :smile: but definitely tasty and worth it.

    both chobani and fage have average of 20 grams of sugar per serving....30 with the honey one. that is a TON of sugar. depends on the KIND of yogurt you purchase.

    Fage 0% Fat Total Greek Yogurt
    Serving Size: 1 Container 6oz (170g)
    Servings per Container 1 Calories 100
    Calories from fat 0
    Total fat 0g
    % DV Total fat 0%
    Saturated fat 0g
    % DV Saturated fat 0%
    Trans fat 0g
    Cholesterol 0mg
    % DV Cholesterol 0%
    Sodium 65mg
    % DV Sodium 3%
    Total carbohydrates 7g
    % DV carbohydrates 2%
    Dietary fiber 0g
    % DV fiber 0%
    Sugars* 7g
    Protein 18g
    % DV Protein 36%
    Vitamin A 0%
    Vitamin C 0%
    Calcium 20%
    Iron 0%
  • What a great question! Greek yogurt is an excellent way to go with a toss-in of fruit. Definitely watch the sugar; but when people freak out about fat, they forget a few things: 1) As much as too much fat is a bad thing, TOO LITTLE CALCIUM is not good either! 2) You do need some fat in your diet, it helps you eat less and feel full longer. Honestly, I eat Greek yogurt quite frequently! I love it with raspberries, blackberries or peaches and with some slivered almonds tossed in too. :-)

    Hope this helps!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I had a pumpkin-pie-flavored Yoplait for a snack yesterday. It had too much sugar and too little protein in it. I mean, it wasn't even Greek yogurt! Terrible, terrible. I've ruined my whole week!

    Honestly though, take a look at the labels, decide what kind you like, and see if it fits in your personal diet. If we all stopped eating things because someone, somewhere said they were bad for us we'd be learning to subsist on oxygen alone (in moderation, of course!)
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    both chobani and fage have average of 20 grams of sugar per serving....30 with the honey one. that is a TON of sugar.

    I ate a chobani every single day for 4 months and still lost 40lbs. If 6oz of greek yogurt unravels your diet, you have bigger problems.

    that is great for you and you are right...just don't think it should be passed off as "low sugar" when it is obviously not at all low sugar.
  • lukeevans85
    lukeevans85 Posts: 108 Member
    It's old milk, all curdled, yuk. would you eat old green steak?

    I think not. So unhealthy!

    And we have a winner for the most asanine comment posted on MFP so far today!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Calorie surpluses are fattening. Yogurt, nor anything else, in a calorie deficit, is not.

    Threads like this make me realize there really is no hope.

    stop being negative. this OP trying to learn and make healthier choices. it's not their fault they didn't grow up with nutritionists for parents who gave them a perfect diet plan to follow for life. advertising is what's wrong with this picture. the clever marketers are trying to trick people into eating foods that they call healthy but are really just junk. sites like this where we can share information about food give me hope! perfect nutrition is a journey and there is always new information out there to be evaluated. we all need to continue educating ourselves and stop giving useless advice.

    <LIKE> :flowerforyou:
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    both chobani and fage have average of 20 grams of sugar per serving....30 with the honey one. that is a TON of sugar.

    I ate a chobani every single day for 4 months and still lost 40lbs. If 6oz of greek yogurt unravels your diet, you have bigger problems.

    that is great for you and you are right...just don't think it should be passed off as "low sugar" when it is obviously not at all low sugar.

    It's not all high sugar either, but you implied that it was. Both generalizations are incorrect.

    edit because no one claimed it was "low sugar" so really, just the statment that all Chobani and Fage average 20 grams of sugar is incorrect.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    There are some types of yogurt that have 19+ grams of sugar! Yikes! I would try to stay away from them. Definitely look at the sugar content when you are choosing which type to buy.

    I prefer Dannon Light and Fit Greek Strawberry because it only has 6g of sugar, versus Dannon Oikos Strawberry (same amount, same flavor) which has 18g of sugar! A huge difference! Just pay attention to the labels.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    What's wrong with 18g of sugar? Nothing.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    that is great for you and you are right...just don't think it should be passed off as "low sugar" when it is obviously not at all low sugar.

    No it's not low sugar but it isn't "unhealthy" because it isn't low-everything
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Fattening? It has fat in it. That's not exactly the same thing.

    Healthiest yogurt choice is Greek yogurt- it has low sugar and high protein. I highly recommend the fruit or honey versions of Chobani and Fage. You can't go wrong with either. It's a little adjustment from the Dannon/Yoplait sugar packets often passing as yogurt :smile: but definitely tasty and worth it.

    both chobani and fage have average of 20 grams of sugar per serving....30 with the honey one. that is a TON of sugar.

    30 grams of sugar is a TON? I'm glad I have a different viewpoint of healthy. Sugar is just a simple carb.
  • endlesoul
    endlesoul Posts: 98 Member
    I'm a big fan of the Kroger CarbMaster yogurt. It's great for diabetics...only 60 calories, 4g of carbs and 8g of protein...throw in 2 Tbsp of GrapeNuts and you have a tasty, crunchy and healthy snack for 110 cals.

    The Fred Meyer Carbsmart Yogurt is my favorite for the lower carbs and 8g of protein and it doesn't taste bad. Next is Greek Fat Free plain yogurt.

    I think their are many yogurts out their that are more like desert with all the sugar and full milk fat.

    The Fred Meyer and Kroger CarbMaster are the same product.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    My favorite yogurt is Dannon Light & Fit. It's 6oz and only 80 calories. Most "light" yogurts that I've seen are only 4oz and between 100-120 cals. Dannon Light & Fit has tons of awesome flavors too. Vanilla and Peach are my personal favorites.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    First of all, remember that fat is not bad for you. Healthy fats are important and essential to a healthy body, and there ahs been research to suggest the fat in dairy is just that- healthy. Even if it's not, it certainly won't hurt you, and low and fat free dairy has other benefits, such as high protein count.

    With yogurt you just have to watch how much sugar is added. Some yogurts, especially things like yoplait light, have few nutritional benefits in comparison to the amounts of sugar and calories they have. Greek yogurt sweetened with some honey and fruit, however, is very healthy and is a great protein packed snack or meal.