Jamba Juice

There are some days that are so busy that I barely have time to breath. Much less get enough calories in. On those days would Jamba Juice be a bad thing to add to reach my calorie goal? I tupically get a 16 ounce Pomegranite Paradise....which is all fruit. There are some days that I look at my food diary and have barely made 500 calories for the day. Sometimes I eat all day and still don't make calories. I have to figure out something.


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I use them sometimes when, like you, I'm in a total pinch and I'm out and about. They are super high in sugar, that's the one thing I dislike. But if you get the "make it light" versions........I personally don't think they are terrible in a pinch. I make sure to add a whey protein boost, though.