Can't Keep A Good Girl Down

Does anyone else feel like everyone around you wants you to fail? It seems that I am surrounded by people who want to see me fat. These same people secrectly wish I would just keep getting fatter and fatter. This is the only conclusion I can come to since they seem to sabotage every serious effort I make toward bettering myself, my life, my health. So I've been trying to come up with reasons why they would want me to fail ( and in this case I'm specifically talking about losing weight). One reason is because they don't want anyone to be better than them. By better I mean prettier, skinnier, healthier, more energetic, capable of keeping your house more emaculate than theirs. That sounds silly, but what other possible reason could there be, unless it's just pure meaness? Well, I have decided that I am already better than they want me to be as I am right now, and I think they know it. The thing is I'm just starting to believe it ah-ha moment. Can anyone else relate?


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Real friends should want to build you up and encourage you. If you have people in your life who truly try to sabbotage your efforts to get healthy, I would find some new deserve it. My biggest challenge is a wonderful husband who likes snacks and rich foods. I have to get stern with him from time to time because he just doesn't get it, not because he is trying to be mean. I know I am the one who controls what goes in my mouth. Ultimately it is up to me. Having this attitude makes it easier to say no thank-you. I don't have to eat or drink anything that I don't want or need just to please others. This time....I AM PLEASING ME! Be strong and consistant. Eventually your friends will get it. Say NO to them and YES to you!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Kimlane70
    Kimlane70 Posts: 117
    You are so right. And I am going to make a real effort to put my self first. Which is so hard to do. But knowing in the long run that putting myself first is also putting my kids/family first. It's so great to get a clue.
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    i try not to mention that im on a diet, if you pick up somethin that isnt in their mind "a diet food" like a kitkat or somethin they look at you as if to say ha i thought u were on a diet ...failed agen i see.
    plus if you dont mention anythin its even nicer wen ppl comment on u losing weight cos u knw they arent just sayin it!