Where did my alcohol tolerence go ?

emaren Posts: 934 Member
In the last 11 weeks I have lost over 22 pounds.

More importantly, my Body Fat percentage has dropped from over 30 to under 20 as I am working out and weight training heavily, my body has changed shape rather nicely too.

On Saturday I threw a surprise birthday party for my wife.

I drank no more than I would have previously, possibly less, but I totally wiped myself out - I managed to get incredibly drunk and then hugely dehydrated to an extent that I cannot remember for years....

It seems that losing a load of body fat has made me a cheap drunk......

I'm not sure if this is good or bad......

Certainly an unexpected side effect.....


  • Yup, me too.
    I'm such a lightweight now its embarrassing
    I'm English, binge drinking is our national sport. :)
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    Isn't it great? I cannot drink nearly as much anymore....
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It's probably with mine. I'm a cheap date now.
  • emfischer90
    emfischer90 Posts: 42 Member
    Its so much cheaper this way!
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    LOL True story!
    I get a litte buzz after 1 glass of wine these days. I'm a cheap date also!
  • emaren
    emaren Posts: 934 Member
    Yup, me too.
    I'm such a lightweight now its embarrassing
    I'm English, binge drinking is our national sport. :)

    I am also English - near all of the party guests were American - kinda embarrassing.....
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I took it.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I have found with all the water I drink now I don't get a hangover, yay!:drinker:

    Wish I'd known that decades ago!
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    So would we have to start a new thread to welcome all the newly minted cheap drunk ladies? Or...?
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    lol,in my college i was 40 pounds heavier and i used to compete with guys for scotch.

    Now i can hardly handle 2 glasses of sparkling wine.I was thinking it was an age thing ie in college is was 24 and now 27.Lol.
    So its the weight loss :)
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I took it.

    Yeah, we're sharing it.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The first time I really drank after losing 40lbs was at a company gathering (NYY vs BOS game at Yankee stadium)

    CEO kept handing me tequila shots

    Threw up all over the bus on the way back

    Lost weight, but not class
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    I'm deffo becoming a cheap date! Went out on Friday night and had to be brought home by midnight... I am also English and in my twenties (just!) and feel I am letting the side down.

    Plus, hangovers are no fun if when you've gotta do insanity...
  • gusnjay
    gusnjay Posts: 26 Member
    Your tolerance left with your shed weight. This is a good, now you need less alcohol for a "decent buzz" (economical?). Congratulations on the weight loss. A drink of water with a beverage helps with the dehydration or hang over.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    My tolerence has only dropped a little, but the good thing is that I am less likely to do the next day hangover food thing.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    So would we have to start a new thread to welcome all the newly minted cheap drunk ladies? Or...?
    I like it! LOL
  • That was me 2 weekends ago! It was not pretty. I am used to keeping up with the boys, not being carried out by them. Another new limit to learn!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    That's funny you post this! I was just commenting that I think my tolerance has INCREASED since I've been weight training?! In the period of time where I was just cardio/deficit, I got tipsy very easy... now I outpace my fiance.

    But then, I'm one of those women with that stomach enzyme. Hard liquor does literally nothing to me, but put beer or wine in front of me and I'm gone... except now it takes a little longer ;)
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Oh man... I've never had a problem holding my alcohol, but right around last Christmas I had dropped about 20 pounds and I drank 4 mixed drinks over the course of an evening out with friends.

    Hell ensued.

    I always pace myself, I don't like being full-on drunk, and I always stop drinking in enough time to be totally sober by the time I have to drive home.

    Even with all those precautions, I was shocked to find myself wasted. WAS. TED. It wasn't pretty and I had a hell of a hangover the next day.

    So yeah, congrats on the weight loss, but go easy, everybody!
  • Well hell, I have always been a cheap drunk.