What does that mean...?



  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Most people like to use Xmas when they don't believe in Christ. It's just to take the Christ out of Christmas...sad really. As for the name with the X I don't see that a lot.

    Merry Xmas!
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    As far as Christmas goes, a lot of people say Xmas is meant to take Christ out of Christmas by nonbelievers but X (I forget what language) means Christ. I think now people just use Xmas so they don't have to type or write the whole word out.

    Christina.....like Christina Aguleria (sp?). I thought it was just to go with her "edgier" look at one point.
  • stephanie1133
    I always thought X= criss or cross (since an X is crisscrossed) so:

    School X-ing (cross)
    Ped X-ing (cross)
    X-tina (criss)
    X-mas (criss)
    Obviously in the pronunciation of criss or cross, not the spelling.

    It has always made sense to me that way, not that I really have anything to base it on.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    Most people like to use Xmas when they don't believe in Christ. It's just to take the Christ out of Christmas...sad really. As for the name with the X I don't see that a lot.

    "Xmas" is a common abbreviation of the word "Christmas". It is sometimes pronounced /ˈɛksməs/, but it, and variants such as "Xtemass", originated as handwriting abbreviations for the typical pronunciation /ˈkrɪsməs/. The "-mas" part is from the Latin-derived Old English word for "Mass",[1] while the "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, translated as "Christ".[2]

    Thank you Wiki for proving perpetuating ignorance to be incorrect.

    yes. thank you for posting this so I did not have to. But also Xmas literally means "Christ-mass"
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Edit: Forum research shows you contribute little, and when you do, you say things like Twilight is well written fiction. I have been trolled :[

  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Xmas is easier to type or write...that's why...
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    I do it to piss of christians.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I always thought X= criss or cross (since an X is crisscrossed) so:

    School X-ing (cross)
    Ped X-ing (cross)
    X-tina (criss)
    X-mas (criss)
    Obviously in the pronunciation of criss or cross, not the spelling.

    It has always made sense to me that way, not that I really have anything to base it on.

    And Kriss Cross will make you JUMP

  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    I do it to piss of christians.

    hating on christians on the interweb is as cliche as the O rly owl...
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    Sorry, just my answer. I started becasue of my soon to be Ex mother-in-law, then it becasue fun.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Most people like to use Xmas when they don't believe in Christ. It's just to take the Christ out of Christmas...sad really.

    :noway: :huh:
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Sorry, just my answer. I started becasue of my soon to be Ex mother-in-law, then it becasue fun.

    I was just messing...this site cuts into my ability to be an equal opportunity hater sometimes...
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I do it to piss of christians.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I always thought X= criss or cross (since an X is crisscrossed) so:

    School X-ing (cross)
    Ped X-ing (cross)
    X-tina (criss)
    X-mas (criss)
    Obviously in the pronunciation of criss or cross, not the spelling.

    It has always made sense to me that way, not that I really have anything to base it on.

    And Kriss Cross will make you JUMP


    well chit. i was actually going to post a pic of them in response to that post, but you haz beaten me to itz.

    well played
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I always thought X= criss or cross (since an X is crisscrossed) so:

    School X-ing (cross)
    Ped X-ing (cross)
    X-tina (criss)
    X-mas (criss)
    Obviously in the pronunciation of criss or cross, not the spelling.

    It has always made sense to me that way, not that I really have anything to base it on.

    And Kriss Cross will make you JUMP


    well chit. i was actually going to post a pic of them in response to that post, but you haz beaten me to itz.

    well played

    Better luck next round, but thanks for playing! :smokin:

    ETA: The bad part is that I will now have that song in my head.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    There's a war on Christmas. You people really need to watch more Fox News.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    X is Latin(I believe) for Christ. Hence Xmas.

    ^ This..it's just shorthand.
  • mmccloskey10
    Yes I'm serious, not joking at all.... but umm, it seems like I woke up one day and people say or write Xmas instead of Christmas and XTina instead o Christina. Why is that?

    (I guess I've been under a rock or something... I HONESTLY do not know when this change took place.)

    The letter "X" in greek means Chi which comes from a greek word that means Christ.
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    I am 46 and this has been around since I was a kid. Just shorthand. No big deal. Merry Christmas everyone and if you are offended, well, I really don't care!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    There's a war on Christmas. You people really need to watch more Fox News.
