How do you get money together for the gym ?



  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    Does your college have a health & fitness center?

    I work at a (NY) State University college, and like most SUNY campuses, we have a really great fitness center, and it's dirt cheap for students (pretty decent for faculty/staff, also) to enroll.

    It costs students $70./semester - that's almost 4 months! Our center has Cybex Eagle weight training, Cybex & Precor elliptical & treadmills, and personal trainers at your service - a very nice set-up for cheap.

    Check-into it!

    Our school has a very very basic gym where a lot of the equipment has been reprogrammed by kids in the lower years who decide to muck around and things like the manual rowing machines are broken within a month. That and they tend not to let anyone in unless it's a lesson, apart from an hour here and there at certain times. All of which I am not available for :(.
    The facilities you have are very similar to the gym that the university I am hopefully going to next year has ... I just hope I get in because the membership for first years is freeeeee :D
  • snelson0511
    Pay tuition, rent and gym fees FIRST. Anything else is gravy.

    This is exactly what I was thinking. Pay the things that are a MUST for you and then the rest of the money can go towards eating out or seeing movies. I bet if you list out all of your money and all of your debt you'll see you have enough for the gym...but something will have to give
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Your campus may have a gym you can access, if there are any types of athletics at your school there is one somewhere. Usually it is free for students.

    Gyms like Planet Fitness and Retro Fitness have cheap monthly rates ($20/month)...there may be a local gym/not a chain that you can find for cheap, too.

    Over the course of a month there is likely $5-$10 a week you can cut out of your spending to fund the gym, just prioritize it first on your list! Good Luck! :tongue: