Needing Motivation

Hi all! I have been a member of my fitness pal for some time now and when I actually took the time to track what I eat, I lost weight. I struggle staying motivated since I have a lot on my plate at any one given time (not meaning food). I work 40 hours a week with 1 hour commute each way, I also go to school full time, I am also married and have a 4 year old son. I know that I just don't have the time to devote to weight loss each day but maybe if you can provide some tips to keep motivated or to make tracking easier please let me know.



  • lc52820
    lc52820 Posts: 76 Member
    I've been struggling with motivation lately as well, I feel like I've hit a wall. For awhile I was consistently losing weight but for the past month I've made hardly any progress. It's frustrating! I need to get "back on the wagon".

    I work long hours too (45 hours +/- per week) with a long commute too. Most of the time I am just worn out when I get home. I took up jogging this summer and have found that usually it's best if I go for a run right after I get home from work. I usually have more energy if I eat something right before I leave work (I keep Lara Bars in my desk drawer).

    Also, some of my co-workers and I like to take walks on our breaks. It is a nice chance to get away from our desks & we feel refreshed afterword. Two 15-minute walks adds up to 30 minutes of walking per day!

    In all of my efforts to lose weight & get healthy, I've had the most success when I have accountability from friends & co-workers who are trying to do the same. Setting small goals for yourself every week helps too!
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi there!

    I work full time, have two little ones, but a pretty easy commute :) I just know how hard it is to stay motivated when being pulled in so many different directions.

    Here's what I do to stay on track:
    1. early morning work outs, which I'm used to now
    2. I sleep in my work out clothes
    3. I kept a picture I hated of myself next to my bed so I saw every morning what I didn't like
    4. kept pictures of healthy models in my cabinets to remind me what I wanted
    5. Bought lots of healthy snacks since I'm a huge snacker
    6. I too use friends and accountability groups to stay focused. Weekly weigh ins help a lot too! My one group- we all pooled money and whoever lost the most weight one a gift card to any store of her choice

    Good luck!!