I finally get it....

My Fitness Pal has been a real eye opener for me. I work out, stay active but continued to put on the weight.
I turned 50 and knew I needed to make a change. At 6' tall and 235 I was a heart attack waiting to happen.

My daily current calorie intake is 1750. I have changed to oatmeal and protein shake for breakfast, soup and small salad for lunch and I am good for about 1000 calorie dinner. I have not been hungry during the day.

I have learned to eat foods that fill you up but have little calories. That is the key for me, when I am hungry I eat foods that are low calories but FILL ME UP.

In three weeks I have lost 10 pounds. My goal is to loose another 25 and post my picture on MyFitnessPal!!!!

Good luck everybody...
