In my 40's & trying again!



  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    eat high protein and fiber meals to stay full longer.
  • searolex
    I am 40 and hoping to lose 30 lbs, add me in.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I'm 41 and this is my last time too! I have done every diet known to man. They work, but I always gain the pounds back and then some. This time, I'm just trying to eat better and exercise. Last year, I almost threw in the towel because I felt that because I was 40, my hormones had changed, and that it was impossible to lose no matter what I did (granted I didn't try to do too much).

    But that is NOT TRUE. Since joining MFP, I have lost 19 lbs! Actually all told, 26 lbs since last December. Eat well, exercise, and you can do it!! I just started heavy lifting about 3 weeks ago and I swear it's making a huge difference in my appearance. I think strength training is key and is sobeneficial.

    If the shakes help you get started, great. But you really don't need them. Portion control and food selection will get you the same results. Best of luck!
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Hi:) My name is Tacy and I am 49. I have fought with my weight since I was about 11. Several times in my adult life I ave lost 60+ lbs, only to gain them back, so I know how discouraging it can be. This time I decided its time for a true lifestyle change....had to get rid of the sugar and white four, pasta, rice, etc (I'm doing South Beach). I want to at least be clse to my gol by my 50th bday in April. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you like. Hope you ave a great Saturday! Oh...and if you are open to adding some food to your protein shakes, maybe some fruits and veggies would help fill you up without adding lots of calories. Let me know how you are progressing!

  • CaLaurie
    Hi...I tried this several times too before it stuck, well, OK, before I put in the effort to make it stick. About ready to clear out some old friends who just aren't active anymore - would love some new ones around my age. I'm 46 with another 12 pounds to lose. Anyone can feel free to add me. Have a great weekend! :happy: