20 Habits skinny people live by



  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    20. Skinny Habit #1: Eat an early dinner:

    -false. What time you eat is irrelevant. WHAT you eat is what counts.

    19. Skinny Habit #2: Weigh yourself daily:

    -This can be helpful or a hinderence. Many here believe measurements are better, as the scale does not account for recomposition.

    18. Skinny Habit #3: Eat a boring diet:

    -Variety is the spice of life. I find more success varying my foods and fitting 'unhealthy' foods into my macros.

    17. Skinny Habit #4: Reward yourself:

    - Sure I guess...

    16. Skinny Habit #5: Read diet and exercise tips:

    -Or hop on the MFP forums. Lots of awesome people here, some with some knowledge. And it's free.

    15. Skinny Habit #6: Eat breakfast:

    -Big myth. See what I wrote for #1.

    14. Skinny Habit #7: Take snack breaks:

    -Sure, if it fits your macros. Not everyone needs to snack. I do, but I wouldn't push it on people.

    13. Skinny Habit #8: Drink water:

    -Good advice.

    12. Skinny Habit #9: Order a la carte:

    -Makes sense. But it doesn't fit into the 'boring diet' described above.

    11. Skinny Habit #10: Choose whole grains:

    -If it fits your marcos. I have found that whole grains are more filling than bleached/enriched stuff. So this is a decent takeaway I guess.

    10. Skinny Habit #11: Eat spicy food:

    -I can't speak to this. Could be true, could be malarky. I think we can use our willpower and minds to make smart choices without having to use spices to trick ourselves.

    9. Skinny Habit #12: Sleep for 6 to 8 hours each night :

    -Sleep = good

    8. Skinny Habit #13: Manage stress:

    -Sure why not.

    7. Skinny Habit #14: Take the stairs:

    -This is a sneaky way to creat a calorie deficit. If you are tracking well and understand your TDEE, additional 'sneaky' exercise is not necessary.

    6. Skinny Habit #15: Chew thoroughly:

    -Meh, still a self-control issue IMO

    5. Skinny Habit #16: Walk after meals:

    -See #7

    4. Skinny Habit #17: Keep healthy food on hand:


    3. Skinny Habit #18: Learn to take a joke:

    -This is incredibly misleading. Laughing is still part of your TDEE. I don't think it will have an effect on your weight. Positive outlooks are great though, and I highly encourage them.

    2. Skinny Habit #19: Eat protein:

    -The first REAL source of food advice so far. And worthwhile.

    1. Skinny Habit #20: Avoid dinner distractions:

    -Still a matter of IIFYM and self-control. Just because I eat dinner while playing with my 8 month old and dog doesn't mean I overeat.

    This article gets a 2/10 - but thanks for posting.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member

    This is freaking hysterical! I would love to post that here at work, but the people I work with wouldn't get it!! :laugh:
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    20. Skinny Habit #1: Eat an early dinner:

    -false. What time you eat is irrelevant. WHAT you eat is what counts.

    19. Skinny Habit #2: Weigh yourself daily:

    -This can be helpful or a hinderence. Many here believe measurements are better, as the scale does not account for recomposition.

    18. Skinny Habit #3: Eat a boring diet:

    -Variety is the spice of life. I find more success varying my foods and fitting 'unhealthy' foods into my macros.

    17. Skinny Habit #4: Reward yourself:

    - Sure I guess...

    16. Skinny Habit #5: Read diet and exercise tips:

    -Or hop on the MFP forums. Lots of awesome people here, some with some knowledge. And it's free.

    15. Skinny Habit #6: Eat breakfast:

    -Big myth. See what I wrote for #1.

    14. Skinny Habit #7: Take snack breaks:

    -Sure, if it fits your macros. Not everyone needs to snack. I do, but I wouldn't push it on people.

    13. Skinny Habit #8: Drink water:

    -Good advice.

    12. Skinny Habit #9: Order a la carte:

    -Makes sense. But it doesn't fit into the 'boring diet' described above.

    11. Skinny Habit #10: Choose whole grains:

    -If it fits your marcos. I have found that whole grains are more filling than bleached/enriched stuff. So this is a decent takeaway I guess.

    10. Skinny Habit #11: Eat spicy food:

    -I can't speak to this. Could be true, could be malarky. I think we can use our willpower and minds to make smart choices without having to use spices to trick ourselves.

    9. Skinny Habit #12: Sleep for 6 to 8 hours each night :

    -Sleep = good

    8. Skinny Habit #13: Manage stress:

    -Sure why not.

    7. Skinny Habit #14: Take the stairs:

    -This is a sneaky way to creat a calorie deficit. If you are tracking well and understand your TDEE, additional 'sneaky' exercise is not necessary.

    6. Skinny Habit #15: Chew thoroughly:

    -Meh, still a self-control issue IMO

    5. Skinny Habit #16: Walk after meals:

    -See #7

    4. Skinny Habit #17: Keep healthy food on hand:


    3. Skinny Habit #18: Learn to take a joke:

    -This is incredibly misleading. Laughing is still part of your TDEE. I don't think it will have an effect on your weight. Positive outlooks are great though, and I highly encourage them.

    2. Skinny Habit #19: Eat protein:

    -The first REAL source of food advice so far. And worthwhile.

    1. Skinny Habit #20: Avoid dinner distractions:

    -Still a matter of IIFYM and self-control. Just because I eat dinner while playing with my 8 month old and dog doesn't mean I overeat.

    This article gets a 2/10 - but thanks for posting.

    Yes. Thank you.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    20. Skinny Habit #1: Eat an early dinner:

    -false. What time you eat is irrelevant. WHAT you eat is what counts.

    19. Skinny Habit #2: Weigh yourself daily:

    -This can be helpful or a hinderence. Many here believe measurements are better, as the scale does not account for recomposition.

    18. Skinny Habit #3: Eat a boring diet:

    -Variety is the spice of life. I find more success varying my foods and fitting 'unhealthy' foods into my macros.

    17. Skinny Habit #4: Reward yourself:

    - Sure I guess...

    16. Skinny Habit #5: Read diet and exercise tips:

    -Or hop on the MFP forums. Lots of awesome people here, some with some knowledge. And it's free.

    15. Skinny Habit #6: Eat breakfast:

    -Big myth. See what I wrote for #1.

    14. Skinny Habit #7: Take snack breaks:

    -Sure, if it fits your macros. Not everyone needs to snack. I do, but I wouldn't push it on people.

    13. Skinny Habit #8: Drink water:

    -Good advice.

    12. Skinny Habit #9: Order a la carte:

    -Makes sense. But it doesn't fit into the 'boring diet' described above.

    11. Skinny Habit #10: Choose whole grains:

    -If it fits your marcos. I have found that whole grains are more filling than bleached/enriched stuff. So this is a decent takeaway I guess.

    10. Skinny Habit #11: Eat spicy food:

    -I can't speak to this. Could be true, could be malarky. I think we can use our willpower and minds to make smart choices without having to use spices to trick ourselves.

    9. Skinny Habit #12: Sleep for 6 to 8 hours each night :

    -Sleep = good

    8. Skinny Habit #13: Manage stress:

    -Sure why not.

    7. Skinny Habit #14: Take the stairs:

    -This is a sneaky way to creat a calorie deficit. If you are tracking well and understand your TDEE, additional 'sneaky' exercise is not necessary.

    6. Skinny Habit #15: Chew thoroughly:

    -Meh, still a self-control issue IMO

    5. Skinny Habit #16: Walk after meals:

    -See #7

    4. Skinny Habit #17: Keep healthy food on hand:


    3. Skinny Habit #18: Learn to take a joke:

    -This is incredibly misleading. Laughing is still part of your TDEE. I don't think it will have an effect on your weight. Positive outlooks are great though, and I highly encourage them.

    2. Skinny Habit #19: Eat protein:

    -The first REAL source of food advice so far. And worthwhile.

    1. Skinny Habit #20: Avoid dinner distractions:

    -Still a matter of IIFYM and self-control. Just because I eat dinner while playing with my 8 month old and dog doesn't mean I overeat.

    This article gets a 2/10 - but thanks for posting.

    Hmmm, i don't see the need to criticize the OP's info, at all. A lot of the things you reply "duh" to, are NOT BEING DONE by some ppl, and this advice can help inspire them. You seem to feel as if self-control is just a given, no inspiration needed. This doesn't seem to be true for everyone on MFP, Peuglow.
    See, there are ppl who are struggling to learn new tips, new ideas to help them develop better health habits that they can live with forever, not just to lose weight as a fad diet, but trying to make an overall healthy lifestyle change permanently.
    The fact that *you* personally can play with a dog while eating, and not overeat might not be true of everyone, but, sometimes it is hard to imagine that one person is different than your own self, or faces different challenges, different goals, than you yourself are working on. but whatever.

    The OP here is buff as heck, and can do squats while holding 100lb weights, and anything SHE says, i listen!! This post can help some ppl. None of her ideas, (many are even backed by research) are unhealthy.
    If this doesn't work for whatever you are trying to do with your body, fine, but why mock someone who is trying to help others? Wha, does that make you feel smart or something?

    but sure, you are free to mock someone trying to help others or sharing what works for her, if that makes you feel smart(?) to mock ppl trying to help others or sharing health tips that HAVE worked for them....
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Thank you for sharing this information with all of us. And as always there will be some that bully for posting. Pay no attention, it has good tips and doesn't say anywhere that you have to do ALL of them. Pick and choose what works for you. :drinker:

    yeah, i so agree:drinker: :drinker:
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Sorry, I did not mean to come off as mocking. I was merely talking about the article, and not the poster at all.

    There's just a lot of disinformation out there. Relax, I'm not trying to flame this post, just offering my opinion/advice.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Nice list, makes sense to me.

    yeah, it IS all nonharmful, healthy tips to consider.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    These are great tips! I've heard of few of them, and many others are new to me... I'll have to try them out. Thanks for posting this!

    yeah, me too, some new ones for me to consider, as i struggle to return to a healthier lifestyle.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    The not eating late thing always makes me laugh. To me, it seems logical that people who eat late have waited longer to eat after their most recent meal (lunch, for example). They are likely to be experiencing greater hunger, and therefore eat more, than a person who has waited less time between meals. Their calorie intake is higher because their hunger is greater ergo they are more likely to consume an excess. Nothing to do with the time you eat at, just the time between meals!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    bump. this is great!

    yeah, lots of healthy ideas that might inspire someone. One good healthy move, can lead to yet another...and another........one step at a time, back to health.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Thank you and I agree with these. A lot of it is common sense too!! :)

    struck me as pretty sensible stuff, too!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Thanks so much for posting! I think they are some really great ideas, and I will be using them!

    yeah, some of these i have heard before, but have never tried them yet. I am willing to consider all healthy ideas to keep me on track!!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    When I started to do a majority of these things, I started losing weight, and have easily maintained.

    this is good to know, that these ideas can help a person.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Thanks so much for posting! I think they are some really great ideas, and I will be using them!

    yeah, some of these i have heard before, but have never tried them yet. I am willing to consider all healthy ideas to keep me on track!!
    If you'd consider all healthy ideas, then why get so mad when someone posts some that are contradictory?
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    good advice

    seemed sensible to ME too...
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Regardless of what the negative nancy's say on here - thanks for posting. Definitely encourages a conversation (though I can do without the RAWRRRR YOUR WRONG!!!! posts). It's nice to read different perspectives and helpful hints on how to shake things up.

  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    While I thank you for posting what you see as good advice, most of it is stuff that a person doesn't have to do. The vast majority (if not all) of the studies cited are epidemiological studies, all they show is correlation not causation. They can indicate where further clinical studies should be done, but in themselves do not prove that the particular thing mentioned achieved the results. To lose weight a person must eat at a reasonable calorie deficit, all the other stuff mentioned could be valuable for an individual if it helps them to maintain that calorie deficit, but those things listed will not do that for many people.

    I will take the breakfast one for example. That is likely talking about eating upon rising from bed. I don't do that because when I do I will run out of calories by the end of the day, and still be hungry. Not eating upon waking up has not hurt my losses at all. Why? The answer is clear, it is because I count calories, and eating the way I do helps me stay within my calorie goals.

    Similarly for eating at night. There is not some magic time when food consumed becomes fat. I eat many of my calories in the 3-4 hours before going to bed because I sleep better with a full stomach. By the way that is not true for some people in particular those with reflux. Again, doing so has had no negative affect on my weight loss because I stay within my calories. The problem with the epidemiological study was it simply looked said the problem was eating at night where the problem is really eating too many calories. If I am done my calories at 3 pm, then I stop eating. If I still have calories at 9 pm, I eat.

    I really think that you (and others) are missing the point, of the post, sir...The fact of the matter is...If you are currently experiencing adverse weight problems...It would be highly unlikely and understandable that you would not have cultivated many of these habits ...This list only tells you what is happening.among people with no weight problem. Why It happens is subject to personal interpretation by the individuals involved.

    The value of the list is in trying to figure out why these things may be working for so many people who do not have weight problems...not whether this behavior is right or wrong. ..Somebody mentioned common sense...that is an excellent place to start. From a common sense standpoint...What are these habits? 1.Regular meal times 2. Constantly monitoring their weight 3. Eat only what you know the caloric value for 4.Setting goals 5.Reading ,listening and learning ...etc etc. etc...How can you argue with that?

  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Thanks so much for posting! I think they are some really great ideas, and I will be using them!

    yeah, some of these i have heard before, but have never tried them yet. I am willing to consider all healthy ideas to keep me on track!!
    If you'd consider all healthy ideas, then why get so mad when someone posts some that are contradictory?

    who is mad?
    where is a healthy idea i've rejected considering?
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Hmmm, i don't see the need to criticize the OP's info, at all. A lot of the things you reply "duh" to, are NOT BEING DONE by some ppl, and this advice can help inspire them. You seem to feel as if self-control is just a given, no inspiration needed. This doesn't seem to be true for everyone on MFP, Peuglow.
    See, there are ppl who are struggling to learn new tips, new ideas to help them develop better health habits that they can live with forever, not just to lose weight as a fad diet, but trying to make an overall healthy lifestyle change permanently.
    The fact that *you* personally can play with a dog while eating, and not overeat might not be true of everyone, but, sometimes it is hard to imagine that one person is different than your own self, or faces different challenges, different goals, than you yourself are working on. but whatever.

    The OP here is buff as heck, and can do squats while holding 100lb weights, and anything SHE says, i listen!! This post can help some ppl. None of her ideas, (many are even backed by research) are unhealthy.
    If this doesn't work for whatever you are trying to do with your body, fine, but why mock someone who is trying to help others? Wha, does that make you feel smart or something?

    but sure, you are free to mock someone trying to help others or sharing what works for her, if that makes you feel smart(?) to mock ppl trying to help others or sharing health tips that HAVE worked for them....
    Sounds mad to me, saying that I was trying to feel smart, I was criticizing, and that I wasn't considering other people's feelings/experiences etc.

    Just because I offer counterpoints doesn't mean I'm mean, or have some kind of complex. Also, it's bad form to respond to EVERYONE in a thread, mainly because it makes it excessively long.