30 day Shed



  • iluvco3
    iluvco3 Posts: 98 Member
    I am also doing the 30 DS. I recently read a Q&A about it where someone asked if it is best to do 30 days straight. Jillian answered that what she recommends is 2 days Shred, 1 day cardio, 2 days Shred, 1 day cardio, 1 day rest.

    I am doing Shred only on M-W-F right now because I also do 4 Jazzecise classes and one fitness Bootcamp class each week. I get both cardio and strength in both of those. Sunday is my rest day. I just finished day 6 of Level 1, so too soon to tell if 3X/week will give me results.

    Anyone ever done only 3/week? Would appreciate any feedback.
  • I just did my first day. I called Jillian Michaels some not so nice names but I finished. I am a little sore but I plan on doing this each day for the next 30.

    THIS. I think I scared the household near the end with my cursing the first time I tried it!

    I'm not doing the program religiously, I'm mixing it in with running, lifting, and a couple other DVDs (a couple other Jillian ones as well). I crave variety, obviously ;), but I just keep coming back to 30DS . It's an awesome 20 minute work out that burns a decent amount of calories and incorporates strength training. I always feel sore afterwards, and I bet you will get really strong if you do it every day. The 20 minute running time is really great as well for days that I just don't have time to put in a full hour, which happens less then I thought it would now that exercising is a priority.

    Good luck with whatever program you decide to do, I've seen people on this board who have achieved amazing results with the 30DS.
  • Would you also do interval training while on shred? or just regular cardio?
  • I am also doing the 30 DS. I recently read a Q&A about it where someone asked if it is best to do 30 days straight. Jillian answered that what she recommends is 2 days Shred, 1 day cardio, 2 days Shred, 1 day cardio, 1 day rest.

    I am doing Shred only on M-W-F right now because I also do 4 Jazzecise classes and one fitness Bootcamp class each week. I get both cardio and strength in both of those. Sunday is my rest day. I just finished day 6 of Level 1, so too soon to tell if 3X/week will give me results.

    Anyone ever done only 3/week? Would appreciate any feedback.

    That's good to know about fitting in the cardio in between. I may try that!
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    I love to hate that woman! I did it a few months ago and did it every single day for the 30 days (some days were hard, but I stuck with it!). Take your measurements beforehand because you will most likely not see a large drop on the scale since you are converting fat to muscle. I only lost a few pounds, but I lost about 8 inches!

    Keep at it, you'll be so happy you did!

    You've lost a lot of weight :) What other tricks do you have to keep losing. since you didn't see much weight loss from Shred?

    Honestly, I'm taking it slow. Don't get me wrong, I want the weight off NOW! But if I do it this way I know I can stick with it. I still don't eat the healthiest, but I am much better than I used to be and my portions are much smaller. Once my stomach got used it, I didn't feel as hungry all the time. Also, soda was a big thing for me, I started using it as treats if I had a lot of calories left in my day. Now even if I have room for one I find I don't even want it (or I can't finish a whole one).

    I joined a ball hockey league (I suck, but it is a great workout and I went for a non-competitive league where most people suck LOL), I joined a cardio kickboxing class and a hoop dance class with my sister. When I am at home (where I lost most of my weight because I can't afford a gym membership), I do Just Dance or Zumba on the Wii, C25K, or when I am lazy I do the elliptical while I watch TV (I got my exercise equipment off Kijiji - my treadmill was $40 and my elliptical was $50 - and they work just fine). Honestly, when I would normally be sitting on the couch watching TV I keep myself moving (and I can still watch TV!).

    Slow and steady is winning the race for me. I take little breaks here and there (I don't go overboard), but if I see myself as on a diet I won't stick with it... the way I see it, what I am doing now I can keep up as a lifestyle :)

    I hope this helps!

    Also, I have most of Jillian's DVDs, I do these a lot at home as well. I keep mixing it up so I don't get bored.
  • ghostpixie
    ghostpixie Posts: 148 Member
    I'm through with 7 days of Level 1, and I'm really discouraged. Not because I'm not seeing results, but because of the amount of pain my calves are in. It's so bad that I can barely walk down the stairs. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what. I did the first 6 days in a row, then took 2 days off, then did 1 day, and now it's 2 days later and my calves are still screaming in pain. I tried to do it yesterday and couldn't even make it through the first set of jumping jacks for how badly it hurt. :(
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Today will be my third day of the Shred. I'm doing it 3 times a week while running and dancing on days I don't do the shred. I take Saturdays off.
  • I do it every day. Usually. I've been sick so I took a day off yesterday. Today I'll be starting L3 though. I'm not looking forward to it, but I've already lost quite a few inches and I want finally say I finish 30DS.
  • jessical30
    jessical30 Posts: 49 Member
    I just did my first day. I called Jillian Michaels some not so nice names but I finished. I am a little sore but I plan on doing this each day for the next 30.
    This made me chuckle! :laugh: I done the same thing when I first done it a few months ago ( we had it on demand). I lost interest in everything but I finally got my mojo back, so yesterday I bought the DVD for days that I don't go to the gym. When I done it the last time I noticed changes!
  • I love to hate that woman! I did it a few months ago and did it every single day for the 30 days (some days were hard, but I stuck with it!). Take your measurements beforehand because you will most likely not see a large drop on the scale since you are converting fat to muscle. I only lost a few pounds, but I lost about 8 inches!

    Keep at it, you'll be so happy you did!

    You've lost a lot of weight :) What other tricks do you have to keep losing. since you didn't see much weight loss from Shred?

    Honestly, I'm taking it slow. Don't get me wrong, I want the weight off NOW! But if I do it this way I know I can stick with it. I still don't eat the healthiest, but I am much better than I used to be and my portions are much smaller. Once my stomach got used it, I didn't feel as hungry all the time. Also, soda was a big thing for me, I started using it as treats if I had a lot of calories left in my day. Now even if I have room for one I find I don't even want it (or I can't finish a whole one).

    I joined a ball hockey league (I suck, but it is a great workout and I went for a non-competitive league where most people suck LOL), I joined a cardio kickboxing class and a hoop dance class with my sister. When I am at home (where I lost most of my weight because I can't afford a gym membership), I do Just Dance or Zumba on the Wii, C25K, or when I am lazy I do the elliptical while I watch TV (I got my exercise equipment off Kijiji - my treadmill was $40 and my elliptical was $50 - and they work just fine). Honestly, when I would normally be sitting on the couch watching TV I keep myself moving (and I can still watch TV!).

    Slow and steady is winning the race for me. I take little breaks here and there (I don't go overboard), but if I see myself as on a diet I won't stick with it... the way I see it, what I am doing now I can keep up as a lifestyle :)

    I hope this helps!

    Also, I have most of Jillian's DVDs, I do these a lot at home as well. I keep mixing it up so I don't get bored.

    Good for you! Keep doing a great job :)
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Has anyone tried the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels? If so, how do you rate it and do you do it every single day?
    I am almost done with it and it's going very well. You're not supposed to do it every day, though. Jillian recommends a rest day or two a week. I started on Sept 1 and I've had 5 rest days.
  • sgcadola
    sgcadola Posts: 35 Member
    I'm through with 7 days of Level 1, and I'm really discouraged. Not because I'm not seeing results, but because of the amount of pain my calves are in. It's so bad that I can barely walk down the stairs. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what. I did the first 6 days in a row, then took 2 days off, then did 1 day, and now it's 2 days later and my calves are still screaming in pain. I tried to do it yesterday and couldn't even make it through the first set of jumping jacks for how badly it hurt. :(

    Day 2 on your rest day is going to be painful. Your body is recovering and your muscles are not used to the work. The soreness is a GOOD thing! Try taking warm bath and let your muscles soak or get some icy hot. Drink LOTS LOTS LOTS of water this will help with recovery. Also stretch more. I found that the cool down portion at the end of the DVD was not long enough for me at all. Don't give up!!
  • Lacyleffel
    Lacyleffel Posts: 8 Member
    Week 1 weigh in
  • Lacyleffel
    Lacyleffel Posts: 8 Member
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    I did day 3 today, will do day 4 tomorrow morning! I plan on doing it every day, no rest days, but that doesn't work for everyone.
    Haven't noticed any difference in my body yet but I didn't expect to so early on in the game!
    I call her every name under the sun while I'm doing it, especially whilst doing the squats/lunges with the arm raises. So worth it though!

    And remember the day next when you're stiff and sore and don't want to, do it anyway! It loosens up your muscles and you feel loads better afterwards! I could hardly move at all this morning until I did the dvd again and now I'm only a little sore :)