Depressed about "dieting"



  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I once got to a point where I needed to take a break from counting calories/points. For several months, my goals were simply to get the recommended amount of raw fruits and veggies, lean protein, water, and to cut back on sugar and processed stuff. I also vowed to exercise *almost* daily, just because it made me feel good and gave me energy--no set time, no set program.
    I just wanted to focus on taking care of myself. Not numbers.
    That sort of thing may not work for everyone, but it did work for me. I weighed in occasionally--I'd lose a little half a pound here and there. As long as the weight was trending downward and not upward, I was fine with that. Over the course of maybe 7 or 8 months (?), I lost around 30 pounds that way.

    Just throwing that out there. No need to let all this stuff get you down and get in the way of enjoying your life!