Hi! New Member Here!

Hey, My name is Miranda! Im turning 19 next month, and I have decided it was time to lose some of my weight, looking for some support!


  • ivan1964
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day. :smile:
  • mouseconnie
    Hi Miranda! My roommate and I both started using MFP in March and we love it. I never realized just how much I was stuffing into my face! The one thing I wanted to avoid was feeling deprived so I set my weekly weight loss goal to only one pound. Yes, it's been a slow loss but a STEADY one.
  • floydfreeman911
    i have to agree. I did the same thing and it is slow but i'm still eating to satisfaction without going oer my limit. If there's no rush Iwould sugget you follow suit to get int a routine that works for you.