New mum, looking for support buddies from OZ

Hi there, I had my son 4.5 weeks ago and am ready to shift the weight I put on with him. He was a big boy at 4.45 kgs born, I lost 17kgs after he was born, I need to lose 10 kgs to get back to pre pregnant weight and then I'd like to lose another 10kgs to get down to the weight at my wedding! I am exclusively breast feeding ATM so am adding that to my intake but would live some support buddies to keep me going!


  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    Hey i'm in OZ, I'm looking at losing about 10 kilos too
  • salti10
    Hi! Have you just started?
  • Lisaboebeesa
    Lisaboebeesa Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there :) I've been on here for just under a month now, but not been on the boards, just logging my food and exercise. Just starting to lack motivation a bit so thought I'd find some in here.
  • salti10
    Hi Lisa! Hopefully we can help motivate each other. Doing thus from iPhone - one handed ( while Brest feeding) so excuse mistakes. A Facebook private group is so much easier!