Bit by bit...

Hey guys,

I joined in March because my Mom and sister have made amazing progress using this website and now I'm finally serious about getting in shape, too!

I wondered whether there was a way here to set intermediate goals of if anyone else is interested in / trying to do a less radical "challenge" type of thing than 20 lbs by Christmas?!

I want to lose mainly by reducing crisps and chocolate (which is sort of hard - we are talking German chocolate here ; )!!!) and especially exercising. In order not to get depressed and have a serious chance of really changing my habits in a way that I will be able to keep up once I'm in a proper job (I just finished uni and somehow I don't believe that my typical day will give me time for 3-4 hours of exercising three times a week or something crazy like that...), I decided to go for 1 kg a month, which roughly translates to 2.2 lbs...

To raise my motivation I sort of chopped my final goal of 145 lbs (65kg) into three time spans:

New Year's is supposed to see me at 160 lbs (72kg), because that's approximately what I was last New Year's - so, back to "normal" in three months.

May 16th I will turn 30 and by then I would like to be at 151 lbs (68kg), because that happens to be the size I was at 24 when I met my boyfriend - and was also my lowest adult weight ever. And that felt pretty good!

August 03rd is my target date for 145 lbs (65kg) - the wedding date of my best friend - I am soooo looking forward to it and I don't want to shame her at the altar as her maid of honour : )

Is there anyone here who also "period goals", or had them and can tell whether that is a good idea or if maybe it doesn't work like that? (My boyfriend is a p.e. teacher and insists that it can't work because you don't lose constantly but in "waves", depending on how your metabolism changes. Can't say he has me convinced, though. Of course I expect dips and peaks, but as a general target I would think it is feasible...)

Would love to hear from you,

good luck with your own "projects",



  • Chrysopteron
    Chrysopteron Posts: 57 Member
    where does everyone get the cool "weight-line" from?
    I'd love one of those where you can see the starting and target weight and where you stand.

    Can anyone help me with that?

  • GracielaD
    Hi, I think that losing weight in short amount of time is possible but a change in daily choices is the key to your success. I believe that as long as you stay active and keep yourself accountable to your workouts is the key. You dont need to deprive yourself but know when you can afford to eat a treat. You can give yourself one treat a day if you eat several during the day and if you eat unhealthy, try changing your food options. You dont need eat cardboard food to be healthy but eat portion size meals that include lean protein, a carb, and veggies or fruit. Try to eat 3 good meals a day and 2 healthy snacks like apples with peanut butter or a rice cake. Avoid extra salt and watch out for sugar in food. Drink loads of water and stay positive. Love yourself and dont let others bring you down =) If you need someone to keep you moving. I am here for you. I also need motivation myself but I know that at the end of the day it comes down to me. you make a choice if you want to be where you are or to try to get closer to your goal. One step at a time. You can do it!!! Your plan sounds great!!! You can lose the weight just be patient with yourself =)
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    You are sitting yourself to fail.
    Think of it has a life change for the better,
    If you are giving yourself a 3 month time frame, than be very strict on yourself during that time frame.
    When you get the urge to "cheat" just tell yourself it's only a short time, and make yourself do it.
    You will be very please with yourself!
    Good Luck
  • Chrysopteron
    Chrysopteron Posts: 57 Member
    @pwittek10: Why is it setting myself to fail to try and lose weight slowly? Sounds a bit odd to me, because I've always been told that it's better to work a longterm change in your habits than to drop a lot of weight quickly just by cutting calories and risk putting it back on even quicker?! Apparently it's not only an opinion generally held in germany because Gracie said something similar, too...

    @Gracie: Thanks for all your kind advice. I really need to start drinking more, somehow I have a very hard time managing the 10-12 cups a day I'm aiming at...
    As you say, I need to stick with the workouts since I don't have a problem with food as such - I don't gain with the way I eat. Love the suggestion of "apples with peanut butter" as a healthy snack - I love the U.S., but I know if I ever come back for an extended stay, my figure is done for!
    The more I admire all those people on MFP who live in the land of triple-processed, double-boxed, sugar coated goo wherever you look and manage to lose a lot of weight!!! In March, I almost started to cry when I left the "Arby's Jamocha Shake Border" westwards... And I sooooooooo enjoyed all the lovely things, especially if they involved peanut butter or cookie dough!
    Luckily for me, I gained around 14 lbs from quitting smoking and munching my way across the U.S., but as soon as I was back home to Germany, a bit of it came off right away.
    What exactly are you trying to lose, btw??? In your picture, looks like there's no more than there needs to be?!
