Hi no matter what i do i cant lose weight

Hi my name is kate and i started trying to lose weight 8 weeks ago ive really being trying very hard and not losing anything so now ive joined up calorie counting i hope this works im doing hiit every 2nd day and walking jogging every other day and ive cut out white carbs and still only lost 2lbs its so disheartening i also just had a baby 3 mths ago so hoping it will all fall off at some stage has anyone any advice on a way for me to drop weight i feel i deserve so much more gone off me for the work and effort ive put in i would be very grateful for any advice


  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey Kate what are your stats and what is your calorie limit i suggest you open your diary so that people can help
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Hey Kate what are your stats and what is your calorie limit i suggest you open your diary so that people can help

    ^^What she said! We will be able to help you much better if we can see your diary.
  • katiew23
    katiew23 Posts: 6 Member
    ok il do it now thank you
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep,,, and it all takes time and patience, and trial and error!, YOU CAN DO IT!
  • im also new and had a baby 2 months ago and i am hoping to lose weigh any one feel free to add me as a friend to give me support :) thnks x
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    Are you breastfeeding your 3 month old? If so then make sure you are eating enough good food for both of you, dieting and bfing is a tricky mix.

    After having 2 babies, I think there is something to be said for survival, the newborn phase doesn't last long, and when you add in sleep deprivation then I think that worrying about your weight can be detrimental to your mental health. Your baby isn't going to be this tiny forever, you will get some sleep soon, and if you can eat sensibly and exercise a little then that is pretty good going!
    There will be plenty of time for stressing about budging those baby pounds - you put them on over 9 months and it might just take that long to lose them again.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    "Brennans - Thick White Sliced Toast" - from your diary - I thought you cut out white carbs?

    You're also eating things like chocolate & butter and these don't lend themselves so well to fast results, if that is what you're looking for.

    I try to keep junk foods to one day per week and if I want chocolate I'll eat dark chocolate. Butter isn't the best source of fat, have you tried things like nuts/avocado/olive oil for your fats?

    The tips that ALWAYS ALWAYS work are: eat more fruit and veg, drink more water, move your body, and make sure you get enough sleep.

    Eat as clean as you can, try to stop eating a while before bed & be patient! xx
  • katiew23
    katiew23 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for the replies, im not breastfeeding i had to stop as bubs had acid reflux and i was not helping her in any way she is now thriving on formula and gaviscon, i just thought that if i put enough effort in it would have to come off eventually, 8 wks on only 2lbs down and im getting sucked into this constant thinking about it, i just want to lose 2 pounds a week it is so hard, and everytime i feel like a blowout like yesterday i just get so guilty ah well il give it one more real week and see what happens thanx for the advice, its great to have people to talk to everyone at home is sick of listening to me!!!!!!!!!!
  • Lyra89 is right, people are generally under the impression that fat is bad for you but that's not true. certain fats yes, everything in moderation of course (i hate it when people say that to me but hey in this case it's true) when you realize youre putting fats into your diet just make sure they are good fats and oils, make sure to pay attention to labels. the hardest part is doing this alone so if you have any questions just post and someone will help. :) after all we're all going through similar things
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    "i just want to lose 2 pounds a week it is so hard"
    You have a 3 month old baby that you are caring for, you are fitting in exercise, and you are aware of what you are eating.
    You have only been logging for 2 days and sticking with the logging will help you tweak what you are eating with what you know is better for you. The logging is there to help you learn, so you can see where you can make the changes.
    I guess what I am saying is, don't hit yourself with a big stick - there is enough going on with dealing with a refluxer (been there, got the stained tshirts to prove it) without expecting too much with weight loss. 2 Pounds a week is a big deal when your body is only just recovering from birthing/bfing hormones and you may not be getting much sleep.

    Start with the small achievable things, stock your pantry and fridge with good stuff, and log what you eat. You will get there, it just might not be the instant results you are hoping for.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    Losing weight takes time. I had my settings on losing 2 pounds per week and I didn't lose anything for a couple of months.
    I changed my settings to lose 1/2 pound per week and finally started losing.
    Its very slow going. I am losing about 1 pound a month and it gets discouraging.
    Dont give up. You will get there! Keep your eye on your goal :smile:
  • hi my name is yomna.. im new to this !!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    As a mere male so am a bit out of my depth here but I think 3 months is too soon for the raging hormones to have got back into balance. Could this be affecting your weight control mechanisms? Although you are not breast-feeding, maybe your body still thinks it needs to?

    What I can draw on is years of experience as a serial-weight-loser (actually, more of weight mis-layer - UNTIL NOW! - for, like a lost puppy it always found its way back home, given time but so far, so good).

    1: There is no magic pill that will wave its magic wand.
    2: If you cut the bread and related products you automatically cut the butter and the calories will fall off - if not the weight just yet.
    3: I think it is related to your motherhood status since it is hard enough to persuade my body to draw on those reserves it has so painstakingly been setting aside for so long and I don't think I am exceptional in this BUT in your case it may be even harder at the moment.


    4; Get professional advice regarding diet and exercise regimes from your medical support team - what country are you living in?
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Have you checked out this thread - it has good info on how to set up your calorie targets.
