i think my kneecap practically just slid off!

In the middle of a strength workout I was lying on my front and doing a cobra stretch and when I finished rather than get upsensibly, I slid myself forward and up on my arms so that my legs were effectively being pulled along the floor. I must have put some pressure on my knees on the way because all of a sudden there was the loudest squelchy crunch and I felt my kneecap slide. Oooooowwww! Did it hurt! It felts immediately like it would be swelling right up but after a minute or two of deep breaths and trying to get my leg raised in the air I was able to stand on it. However, it still has that hot feeling now, like its sore and could swell but its not particularly hurting. My knees have been making a crunchy sound when I climb stairs or do squats (no pain though) - should I be worried or might it improve with increased strength and stability?

Any advice appreciated.


  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    See a doctor.

    If you have experienced a subluxing patella it will need appropriate treatment.
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I recommend seeing a doc... could be a simple injury that would go away with rest... or it could be something much more severe... you don't want to risk the "much more severe" on your knees... those are VITAL to being able to walk for the rest of your life :)